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Showing posts from September, 2007
PASSION ~ Horses, Equine Art by Laurie Justus Pace 18 x 27 inches Gallery Wrapped Canvas Contemporary Horse Art for your Home. SOLD Sunday morning early and I am groaning. Not sure what I ate at Tom's but from midnight on I have been chewing on heartburn stuff. I NEVER use that stuff, but woke up in pain. Currently I am sipping Peppermint Tea. I will be painting no matter what this morning but after that I think I will leave the studio and finish cleaning house if my body will move! Three hours sleep max so I am in a fog. This is one of those paintings that evolves on it's own from a greater spirit. When I am viewing it, I shake my head in amazement at where it came from. I guess life is like that too. We are so busy trying to figure out where we are going, all of a sudden we arrive and are clueless how we got there. God seems to work his best at that. I leave you today with the thought that God offers a healing to all of us. Affirm in faith that the healing power
CALL OF THE NIGHT ~ Wolves, Wildlife Art by Laurie Justus Pace 30 x 30 inches Oil on Gallery Wrap Canvas Contemporary Fine Art for your Home Saturday early morning finds me blogging before the household wakes up. Terry is still asleep for the next hour and then he will be up and heading to work. Today I will be preparing food for Tom's birthday celebration where we will gather and eat later. I made a pasta salad last night and probably today will make a brown rice and sausage dish. This painting is the third in my WOLVES of the NIGHT Series. Reminds me of my two dogs, Annie and Paddy. I used a wide paint brush on this one with the same colors I used in the first two pieces. Harrison bought the first painting and I had to wait to ship it to him until he made it to their second home in California. He should have received it yesterday. I am anxious to know his thoughts. Niki bought the second one and she saw it Tuesday before she headed to NY to the Dog Shows with her little Ti
Boats at Sunrise by Laurie Justus Pace 4 x 6 inches Oil on Gallery Wrapped Canvas FRAMED. $75 SOLD Good Friday! I am starting out challenged today. I spent three hours on the phone with my baby brother tinkering with my computer issues. SO, three hours not painting on a day I normally paint. TODAY I WILL PAINT! I hope you all have a blessed weekend. We will be celebrating Tom's birthday this weekend. He is in the over fifty club...I will be cooking tomorrow for the party! Early Happy Birthday my dear friend! Grace, Laurie “Everyone then who hears these words of mine and acts on them will be like a wise man who built his house on rock. The rain fell, the floods came, and the winds blew and beat on that house, but it did not fall, because it had been founded on rock.”—Matthew 7:24-25
White Tail Buck 2 ~ Deer, Wildlife Art by Laurie Justus Pace 22 x 28 inches Oil on Gallery Wrap Canvas Contemporary Art for your Home. I decided since the last white tailed buck I painted sold off the blog, I would do another. This one has more intense colors and thicker paint if that is possible. Today is Thursday and that is my teaching day. This morning I will be preparing for my lessons and working on commission work. I have painted ponies to create, Lord willing! Also will be working on another nude, at least getting it started. I sketched it out last night on the floor, the canvas is 24 x 36. Have to paint my sides on the 48 X 72 inch Bevo as well, so it will be a full day already. When I struggled awake this morning the news was already blaring from the TV and Terry was up half dressed. I normally wake up easily and I was in a deep sleep and probably had the TV not been on would have slept through him leaving. I am one of those wives that gets up to prepare his breakfast an
BABY MAGNOLIAS ~ Flower Art by Laurie Justus Pace 6 x 6 inches oil on Panel FRAMED! $79.00 Contemporary Art for your Holiday This is one of my small paintings that I had framed at the Fabulous DUTCH ART GALLERY in Dallas. Priced to provide you a GREAT GIFT for someone in the upcoming holidays. This frame is a custom frame and the painting an original oil. Yesterday we had our Fire Inspection and did fine. YEAH. We left the house at eleven and stopped in at the Lone Star for the yummiest hamburgers west of Dallas and then headed in to start working at my Father in laws house. Just as we were arriving in Dallas our Realtor phoned wanting to find me. Someone was going to look at the house and she had no idea where we were or what was going on. I was able to reach Brendan to care for the dogs and we carried on with our job. Terry's cousin, Sandra, came to help. She and I had the kitchen cleared out in quick order and the bathrooms. We attacked the living room and den and they ar
THE PAINTED PONIES ~ Equine Art, Horse Paintings by Laurie Justus Pace 22 x 25 inches It is a hurried morning. Our Fire Chief will be here in about an hour. I am suppose to be doing a plan of the house for our posted fire drill. Terry is still shuffling things in the car. My ponies are now available on an awesome poster of which I am only doing a Ltd Edition of. You can buy them from me or from the site Elegant Horse Pictures which is over in the margin at the right. The posters are on HIGH QUALITY Professional Paper (Very thick), Signed and Numbered. Today is Dallas to make sure the dumpster bin is in place at my father in laws. I hope we see him for lunch. THEN Whole Foods for our food this week. Surprises abound today for you and for me. Treat the day as a gift and be excited. Joy to you Charlene especially and Niki travel safely. Grace Laurie “So when you are offering your gift at the altar, if you remember that your brother or sister has something against you, leave your
AT ODDS ~ Abstract Contemporary Horse Art by Laurie Justus Pace 30 x 30 inches angled Oil on Gallery Wrap Canvas It is good to be home, but it was a sleepless night. The effects of sunburn, ozone and heat stroke are powerful. The show was great and a total of 14 paintings sold and maybe 10 prints. Also sold a handful of books and quite a few posters. BUT, it did remind me of why I don't do tent shows. It has been three years and this will most definitely be the last one. I always enjoy all the folks I see and meet and hopefully trade off positive energy. The above painting is a typical pull painting for me with a twist of an angle. It is powerful in person but may not look right on this blog. No telling. I think God is like that for sure. He is powerful but the situation may not always look right. Falls back on that trust issue again. Boy today's is right on. "I may not always understand the reasons that my life is unfolding as it is. I have faith, how
HOMEWARD BOUND, horse ~ by Laurie Justus Pace 30 by 30 inches Oil on Canvas SOLD This dynamic painting has more color and energy than most...and it is a huge size as well. It will fill a room with its being. Palette knife action, thick creamy Holbein Duo Oils...and a passion of movement....and a piece from the past. A good night's sleep, the call of early birds, although it is pitch black outside still...and a hot shower and I am ready to roll. Terry has to work today, so Morgan and Hillary will be manning the booth at the arboretum with me today. When we lived in Dallas seven years ago, we were always supporting members...a bit harder from Justin TX...but being back here in the gardens is always magical. This has to be one of the prettiest in the nation. The folks putting on the show have thought of EVERYTHING> There is a refreshment room filled with food for the artists, they come around with wagons FULL of cold water and smiles and candy bars. I think I told you last ni
Ready for Battle, Deer, Wild Life By Laurie Justus Pace 24 X 36 inches A Painting a Day Elegance of color, full of contrasting values and rich hues of the forest. This buck bows his head in preparation for battle! A new view for me at the easel, but so definitely engraved in the depth of this painting. Layers of scraped paint and pulls of color create a new palette directly on the canvas. From the shadows and edges appears this beautiful animal of the forest. Sorry this is another older painting from an earlier blog! I am in Dallas at my mom's and it is late on Saturday night. My first day at ARTSCAPE has been a good experience. SO MANY of my blog readers came by to meet me. That means so much to me! Thank you all! The Lord has been running this show. It was a good day with around 10 paintings sold today. IT was hot out there though...very hot! Tomorrow will be a long day...keep us all in prayer. It is a fabulous group of artists I am showing and selling with. More details
The Magnolias at Mema's by Laurie Justus Pace 24 x 24 inches, Oil on Gallery Wrap Canvas Contemporary Art for the Home I am on the first leg of my journey pushing into the wilds of Dallas to set up at the Arboretum for the ARTSCAPE event this weekend. In the past 30 minutes I have managed to pull my back out loading my stuff in the truck, then I used my key to get into my daughter's house 10 min early and set their house alarm off. Of course I woke everyone up and here and half the neighborhood. I told her I was coming. After getting settled inside with portions of my "Stuff" and trying to use my MAC, their Link System is of course protected. I decided it was unwise to wake them again, after all it is just five fifteen in the morning. I spotted Larry's laptop in the living room and I am pounding away on a pc. I stuck my Lexar mini drive in to post a new painting (Yes I have one, and I have been working!) and realized I picked up the wrong mini drive, so the
ALIKE MINDS ~ Contemporary Horses by Laurie Justus Pace 24 x 24 inches Oil on Gallery Wrap Canvas Good Thursday Morning to you. I commented to Terry I was beginning to feel my age as I got up this morning. We cleaned out half the garage last night because of trash pick up today and I certainly could feel it when we got up at five thirty. We have a Fire Inspection next week for our CPS certification. NO rubbish allowed. Not sure what they will say with all my cardboard for shipping my work. This painting is in Wyoming at the Shooting Stars Gallery, but I also have it listed on a new internet site for my work. Patrick at is now exclusively carrying my giclees and prints and low low price posters. (Which I do sign!) They are all printed here, signed and mailed from my studio. My page on this site is . PLEASE check it out. You might find some good prices for Christmas gifts, birthdays or just for yourself
Early Evening Dusk ~ Horse Painting by Laurie Justus Pace 24 x 36 inches Oil on Canvas CONTEMPORARY ART for your home. This is a second in this series of reflections. The first one was in coffee colors and this one is in blues! I noticed after I posted two paintings last week with horses and reflections there are several artists inspired on to paint horses and reflections! Paint on! Gee, did I sleep last night? I was here in the studio working until eleven. Fell into bed and slept and I am back here at seven. I just finished my bible study is on David in 1 Samuel. Pretty deep reading tying in the bond of the covenant between David and Jonathan and the bond with three with the Father. Then the covenant through the bread given to us as when Jesus says He is the bread of much to reflect on this morning as I paint. I had a comment on yesterday's work from Blue (Michael) and I wanted to email him and didn't know if you are reading this, I did leave a c
THE COWBOY ~ Horse Painting by Laurie Justus Pace 15 x 30 inches Oil on Gallery Wrapped Canvas Contemporary Art for the Home Tuesday and still in the midst of our late Indian Summer. Got a HUGE electric bill yesterday, but I have not had a bad one all summer, so I guess one is not bad. Terry thinks the AC is going out, so I am happy we have a unit lined up to go in. This painting was finished on Sunday. Out of the midst of painting it I saw a cowboy standing inside the you see it? At first I laughed and then I thought, Why not leave it...tell me what you think... Today Terry will work even though it is his day off. He is working a late shift to switch off schedule with another man to have Saturday off for his huge family reunion. It will be the first time in 17 years I will not be there! I will be at ARTSCAPE in Dallas at the Arboretum and again if you are a Dallas/FT Worth reader, BE THERE!!! I will be working tonight in the studio late preparing all the "Stuff&qu
RED CELEBRATION ~ Abstract Horse Painting by Laurie Justus Pace 18 x 27 inches Oil on Gallery Wrapped Canvas Contemporary Art for your home! SOLD Too much chocolate. I made a triple layer Droste (yes all organic) chocolate birthday cake for Justin yesterday. Made triple Chocolate Droste Icing for the three layer cake and it was chocolatey! YUMMM...we made sure we sent half the left overs with the grandson and took the other half of the left over cake to Rachel across the street. I am fooded out beyond belief. This above painting was sheer joy to paint, a celebration of the energy in life and the passion of color and the beauty of all the palette God provides around us. I hope it makes you grin, or laugh even. Laughter is a gift from the Lord for us to release super good warm fuzzies into our body. I always told my husband I was born with out a funny bone. I never cared to read the funnies in the newspaper and I don't seem to laugh out loud much when others are laughing, but
NUDE TWO ~ Contemporary Art by Laurie Justus Pace 22 X 28 inches Oil on Canvas SOLD WOW, we went to the mirror and the mask exhibit at the Kimball Museum in Ft Worth. It was quite a gathering of portraits and such from some renown artists...My brother Kirk and Sister in law Leslie spurred the trip on and we ended up a Caro's. Caro's is a f a b u l o u s FABULOUS Mexican Restaurant near the TCU campus. Perhaps that is why I am up at Three a.m.! TOO Much good food. Poor Terry needs his sleep. Hopefully I will go back in and crash later this morning. Meanwhile I am keeping it WAY quiet in the house. I will be starting a new painting after watching a quiet sunset on the way home in the car...triggered some thought to paint at least. IF you live in the Dallas area, I will be plugging the Arboretum show next weekend. I am in booth A22. BOOTH, egads, white tent, need to call Debbie and find out WHEN she is coming with the tent. I do not do tent shows. This is a major
FALL KOI ONE, Contemporary Art by Laurie Justus Pace 18 x 27 inches Oil on Gallery Wrap Canvas SOLD After a trip to the arboretum last weekend I came home with quite a few pictures to paint from. This is one of the koi that I took. GORGEOUS colors! Most of my koi are painted with blues and purples, this one is different in the cool greens of the pools at the arboretum. Today is a bit of painting this morning and then the house cleaning I did not finish yesterday. I did get the studio cleaned up though. Rachel came to visit from across the street while I was doing it. Sort of kept me on task too! I have been reading Louise Hay's new book "You can Heal your Life" . It has a remarkably simple view if one could keep focused on it. "Every moment of life is a new beginning point as we move from the old. This moment is a new point of beginning for me right here and right now. All is well in my world." Her first chapter is entitled "Life if Really Very Sim
Florida Brown Longhorn, Commission Painting by Laurie Justus Pace 48 x 72 inches Oil on Canvas CONTEMPORARY ART FOR YOUR HOME Well, it is almost done. Back and forth with Hilary in Florida yesterday from yellows and marigolds to tans and buttercreams...I am hoping it is dry by Christmas...but it knocked the socks off all the art moms browsing through yesterday. One of the students named it Tex! Old Tex is going to live in Florida. Hilary and I are debating on HOW to ship it. I want to let it dry and then take it off the stretchers and mail it. She would like it to stay together and is trying to figure it out how else to get it there. I was giggling when she said she would drive over to pick it up. Well it fits flat on the bottom of my truck bed, but ....not sure about an suv. Maybe a big van! What a commotion yesterday during art class. Careflight landed at the church across the side road from us. The kids were in a tizzy with the noise. Outside we found an ambulance waitin
New Day of Color, Horse Painting, Abstract Western Art by Laurie Justus Pace 18 x 27 inches Oil on Gallery Wrapped Canvas Contemporary Art for your Home! SOLD It is way early. I have been up since three. I am going to start on the big guy this morning.. the 48 x 72 inch canvas in my little studio! This painting I posted I just finished yesterday. It is one of my horizon horse paintings. THICK with rich paint, these pieces are dimensional. I always have joy in my heart painting these and discovering where the horses are coming out of the paint. Peacemakers and harmony. WORDS to ponder. Are you a peacemaker? I have had that role my entire life...always seeking harmony in my family and trying to sooth tempers and situations. Occasionally I get weary of doing this and want to scream....I AM HERE, can anyone see me or hear me? Quite the opposite of what you would think of a peacemaker. I was at that point last night and I am sure I will get there again. Conni and I spoke yesterday a
TEXAS MISSION TWO Texas Landscape, Spanish Mission, by Laurie Justus Pace Oil on Canvas 22 x 28 inches Contemporary Art for your home. SOLD I am ready ready READY to go and start painting this morning! I have much to accomplish over the next few days preparing for artscape and commission pieces, one including a 48 x 72 inch Longhorn! It takes up the whole studio. The top painting I did earlier this year and it will be traveling to the arboretum for the show along with part of my NY show. Several paintings I had shipped back for this. Mom doesn't know yet, I forgot to tell her, they are arriving at her office next week. It was reduced in cost to arrive at a business, and her office is close to where they need to end up. I guess I should phone her today. I will arrange for Morgan to go there and move them to her house and they will only be there maybe 24 -48hours before they will go to the show. The mission painting is available, so email me if you are interested. Mr Longho
SPRING LOVE, horses, western art by Laurie Justus Pace Oil on Canvas 24 x 30 inches on Gallery Wrapped Canvas Contemporary Art inspired by the ART OF GOD Tuesday morning brings a brisk breeze outside and a hint that fall is to come and heat is almost behind us. I will be working in the studio painting today. I was going to go into Dallas with Terry, but there are WEST NILE warnings out both here in Denton county and in the Lake Highlands area where we would be working outside. Terry and I can be standing next to each other and I will have 50 bites and he won't be touched. Enough said! This painting is available in my eBay store, or heck, just email me! You save more buying from me directly anyway. Currently this painting is in a shop in Rockwall,but can be picked up and shipped directly to you. Yesterday we took our baby car to the fix it shop again and maybe they will get it right this time...on putting the truck lid on with out angling it or shimming it. We are in a lease c
FEEDING THE DUCK, Child, Garden, Landscape Oil Painting by Laurie Justus Pace 22 x 28 inches Oil on Canvas Contemporary Modern Art inspired by the Art of God Monday Rain....Yahoo! Today it is back to the auto place with my car and we are late so this short! I am preparing things for the show in Dallas...but this is a pre-paint on a smaller canvas of what I am doing on the larger one for the show. This is for sale if it appeals to you, drop me a note! The one at the show will be 24 x 36 in size and this is 22 x 28. The price of the show piece will be somewhere between $859-1250. This one, make me an is a pre-paint! I have been beating myself up lately on the verge of a pity party and have to reground myself in my thoughts. NO OBSTACLE is larger than my faith. Did you ever stop and think about that? We often relate obstacles to our energy and our strength before thinking about our faith. Mom and I spoke about this on the phone last night late. I pondered it quite a
WATCHING TWO, Wolves, Wolf - Wild Life Oil Painting by Laurie Justus Pace 24 x 36 inches Oil on Gallery Wrapped Canvas SOLD Sunday morning and SOOO much energy swimming in my tired body.... oops that is an oxymoron. Did I even spell that correctly this morning? This is a second painting in my wolf series. The first one is sold so I moved to another canvas and kept the same contrast of a black background. It's funny how each of them have their own personality as I paint them...guess that is normal. Phil and I went into Dallas yesterday to the Arboretum. I took some decent pics, the blooms were rare with the heat we have I will stay up with it as the cooler days arrive. I took some people pictures that will serve for some pieces in the next few weeks. After we drug our depleted bodies back to the car (It was 97 degrees with 80 percent humidity) we ate dried fruit and drank tons of water. Stopped by my fav Italian restaurant and got take out. He leaves today for Ville
Poppy Fields, Tuscan Landscape by Laurie Justus Pace 4 x 6 x 1 inches Oil on Gallery Wrapped Canvas Contemporary Art for the Home Saturday morning is here. The moon is hazed over telling me we should expect rain pretty soon. I know a cold front is stalled out north of us due to push through by Monday maybe! We need it. This painting is another small 4 x 6 inch impressionistic piece. Alive with color it sings of happy moments crossing this field of color. Phil is still here. After events yesterday he stayed today to go shooting with me and then to help do giclees tonight I hope. We will head out this morning to the Dallas arboretum to shoot flowers. I am hoping something is blooming. In the morning Phil will leave to travel to Ville Platte to visit Laura and her family. HI OLIVIA and MARCUS!!! Late on Thursday I received an email from the Dallas Arboretum with a late invitation to participate in Artscape. Now I never applied to this invitational show but had contacted t
CEDAR SUNRISE, Landscape Oil Painting by Laurie Justus Pace 4 x 6 x 1 inches Oil on Gallery Wrapped Canvas, Ready to Hang when it arrives! Contemporary Art Work Good morning Friday Sept Seventh! Phil arrived in the midst of art classes yesterday. He is a pleasant house guest and delight to sit and visit with. I truly appreciate folks that think before responding in a much thought is behind the conversation...not just emotions clouding things. Very intelligent young man, Niki, you did a wonderful job! Painting this morning is a small one, four by six in size on Gallery Wrapped Canvas. It is available for sale, contact me and make an offer! Think about the holidays and gifts that need to be bought. ART gives love daily in a home. Deep reading in 1 Samuel right now. Simply amazed at things I guess I had not slowed down to read over the past fifty years. Was deeply moved by the story of Samuel and Saul when the Lord told Saul to wipe out the Amalekite tribe. (The
Five on the Run, Wild Horse Western Art Oil Painting By Laurie Justus Pace 18 x 72 inches Oil on 3 inch deep Gallery Wrap Canvas Contemporary Art for Your Home! SOLD This is the sketch in charcoal before I start painting. This is the beginnings...note my dog Paddy UNDER MY FEET. I literally have to dance and step around him to work at my big easel. I posted some on the way pictures today. I normally do not stop once I am painting but I had to in order to MOVE the dog out of the way! LOL He had a hurt paw yesterday and I kept him inside...his job is to protect me and stay velcroed to my side and he does that well! Today I begin my fall art classes for my students. I am still awaiting supplies to arrive today and I hope they get here BEFORE class and not during! My classes are not as full as normal but I did not advertise this summer because my large studio is not complete yet and in this small mini house it is difficult to mange a large group with art. My friend/adopted sis has a
THE PATH 8 x 16 inches Oil on Gallery Wrap Canvas Contemporary Art Oil Paintings Daily Wednesday with rain east of us. We are dry so we will be watering later. I need and want to paint this morning. Too much time spent away from my studio! This painting is a colorful one full of life... I will be doing more of these collage of colors! Reminds me of the quilt we unearthed at Terry's dad's home...made by his grandmother probably in the sixties from the fabrics on the quilt. BRIGHT blues, yellows, oranges, reds etc. The quilt makes you smile when you look at it. So does this painting. No room for the blues or depression. Terry and I were reading in the Bible this morning out of Acts and then we read Jonah. Such an interesting story and conflict going on in Jonah for those sailors on the boat...what to do with the troublemaker Jonah who brought the anger of the Lord on them. Do you ever feel that way in life? I do. There are some folks that really rile me to the point th
Stampede 24 X 36 inches Oil on Gallery Wrap Canvas Contemporary Western Art SOLD The days are sliding by faster than I can count. This painting was finished on Friday. It is a large one and the photos of it are not the best, but in person it is pretty dynamic. Thick paint with a play on contrast and color as always. The background is a mixture of quinacridone Orange and Madder blended in different values. Enjoy! This move with my father in law is pretty dramatic when you think of changing your life after the same house for fifty years. I have discovered it is almost as tragic for my husband being left with the responsibility of doing this along side him and the looming absence of his younger brother to share in this closure and responsibility. Feelings dip and climb and his outlook on it all changes hourly as he faces so much seemingly alone. I am there in spirit and for Moral Support, but I am not a strong person physically to actually MOVE things. Altho with Stacey last Saturda
COLOR OF KOI Swimming Around 24 x 36 inches Oil on Gallery Wrapped Canvas Contemporary Art for your home! SOLD Monday Monday....there is a song in there somewhere. This painting was finished up yesterday with the same deep colors of mauve, marine blue, ice green and ultramarine blue... threaded with the koi in quinacridone Orange, madder, light yellow, marigold, white and black...the ultimate in contrast ready to light up a wall in your home. I painted these larger than normal on a 24 x 36 inch canvas. Contact me if you are interested in purchasing this painting. I am in a quandary as to my thought today to share. BUT since it is Labor Day I will stay with Daily Word's direction on the subject. So many folks are off to day on the holiday, my husband is off, but it is only because Monday's are his normal days off. In past posts I have touched on sharing your gifts, identifying them and using them! We enrich so many people in our lives when we do and God is smiling. Givi
White Tailed Buck Oil on Gallery Wrapped Canvas 30 x 30 inches Contemporary Modern Art SOLD SOLD SOLD off Daily Painters! Thank YOU!!! Sunday morning in its glory. My friend Cris and her daughter, one of my students, Aly, is coming by in about an hourish to pick me up for church. I am visiting a huge church called Cross Timbers in Argyle Texas. They have four services each weekend. It is definitely different that ANYTHING I am accustomed to. It is a rock band on the stage and none of the creeds and responses I have grown up with. Terry and I visited it about a month ago and enjoyed the difference, so I am eager to visit this morning. This painting is a different subject than I normally paint...but the same brilliant palette of colors mixing and contrasting to pull you into the composition. It is alive for sure. We get in these ruts in life as we try to control it all, thinking wisely ahead and planning. I was reading my new OPRAH magazine last night about 6 woman that just quit th
ONLY GOLD 18 x 27 inches Oil on Canvas A Painting a Day Contemporary Art SOLD It is Saturday and I am up. I may try and squeeze in an acrylic painting this morning before heading into Dallas to Ben's house. I am driving our truck over to pick my daughter Stacey up and then we are heading over to move some of our things into storage until we can figure out what to do with it all. Morgan will be there too. He is my artist son, the other painter in the family. The heat will be strong today so we won't work too long today. I hope to be home and back painting by this afternoon. Have you noticed in yourself, or well for sure in others, negativity ? Some folks do not own a pair of rose colored glasses and the world is always against them or things are always going wrong. You love and value some friends and family but it often feels draining that they are always down and so negative. Just by thinking that, I know I am being negative because it is with in my power to have a positi