© Laurie Pace Graphics One Design 2020 Here Comes the Sun Horse painting by Laurie Pace Visit Ellepace.com to see available artwork. View her Daily Paintings. “It was only a sunny smile, and little it cost in the giving, but like morning light it scattered the night and made the day worth living.” — F. SCOTT FITZGERALD Terry and I sat down to figure out we have been sheltering at home since the second of March. Forty-four days? It truly seems longer to me. That is longer than Noah and the Flood!!! From rain and more rain, building 1000 piece puzzles, playing other games, doing small repairs in the house here and there, we have survived those 44 days. I am waiting for the dove to arrive... hey wait, they are all over our backyard! AM I THE ONLY STIR CRAZY PERSON? Read more Here and see the movie of this being painted! “Fo...
Laurie Pace Fine Art Paintings, The Spirit of the Paint as the gift from our Father inspires me daily to paint and share the beauty of our world with you. Horse Paintings, Figurative Paintings, Flower Paintings, Wildlife paintings... I will fill your day and life with the Spirit of the Paint, as it drips and forms on my canvas. Contemporary Art with inspirations of the world around us. Join me here on my blog or my home website, ellepace.com May the Lord God Bless and Keep You in His Love.