Wildlife Painting THE WOLF, Wolf Painting by Texas Contemporary Artist Laurie Pace, Little Red Riding Hood, Grandmother and the Closet
The Wolf 5 x 7 inches Oil on Clayboard ©Laurie Pace Graphics One Design 1998-2011 Wolves and Closets When I think of wolves it is generally in terms of Little Red Riding Hood and that awful story of her grandmother getting tied up or eaten by the wolf. Different versions are heard in different families. I prefer the one where grandmother is tied up in the closet and the wolf jumps in bed wearing her sleep bonnet and nightgown. Grandmother must have been cold in the closet. When we stay hidden in closets we miss out much on life. It is much the same as staying in the box, aka the comfort zone. I cannot begin to tell you how much you miss in your closet, or your box. Some folks never move from their 'boxes'. Well, maybe for a day trip or a week trip, but they come right back to the box and neatly keep their life in control. Life has taught me well. I know I have no control. Only God has control. I believe my early days of my twe...