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Showing posts with the label Self Esteem

Self Esteem and Self Worth, Laurie Justus Pace, A Texas Artist

   © +Laurie Pace         Graphics One Design 2019 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FOLLOW MY BLOG  ON INSTAGRAM     @lauriepaceblog Available Paintings by Laurie Pace          “I didn't belong as a kid, and that always bothered me. If only I'd known that one day my differentness would be an asset, then my early life would have been much easier.” ― Bette Midler I was reading recently an article from becoming minimalist on why self-worth is more important than net-worth. Today in our world it always seems to 'matter' about the net-worth and who can collect the most toys. As an artist, your value seems to be dictated by your gallery representation and the image you portray online.  We all have the opportunity to put 'the best face forward' for that image.  The truth rarely lies there.   What is...