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Showing posts with the label arabaian horse
OUTWARD BOUND 24 X 30 inches Oil on Canvas A Painting a Day HAPPY MOTHERS DAY to all of you out there! I woke early this morning at four and have been continuous praying for the Tögel family. Conni's mom and dad had just landed in Germany for a visit and her dad was rushed to the hospital. I am not totally clear on exactly what, but think it was a blood vessel issue in the head. PLEASE keep them in prayer so far from home...altho Germany was their home until a year ago. I have been in Dallas the past few days, so not here painting or listing or doing my blog...but spending time with my mom and dad. Wish there was a manual for getting old and guidance for all the decisions we face. Our society has changed so much with families moving so far from each other and everyone working to keep up with our hunger to buy more and have better. I would love to have my parents living with us. My household is not quite as tight and neat as my mom's but I run it very close to how she runs...
Mountain Pony 30 X 30 inches Oil/Acrylic on Canvas A Painting a Day Sunday early with thoughts of the day ahead. This is a painting I did Friday as Conni watched it evolve. It went through several phases as I was in and out of the studio that day. Bottom layering of about three layers of impasto and Acrylic with blended scraped colors and then the etching of the horse in oils. The eye of the horse in oils as well. Definitely raw and wild. Today we will head up to Krum to a short church service and then I believe home to work, paint that is. Annie, Conni's seven year old has been a trooper. I taught her how to play Chinese Checkers last night and she beat me several times! She has sorted out coins for me ( I told her she could keep the quarters) and continues to mop the floor. I believe she likes my spray gun. We all attended the wedding of my close friends Deborah and Bill yesterday and then ran to my moms to visit her and dad. That found us around more food at ST cafe in Dall...
Arabain 20 x 20 inches Oil on Canvas A Painting a Day It is Tuesday. Today we will be sending off 10 paintings and gathering groceries for the week. I can barely move after planting our front flower beds with my husband. My hat is off to him as the stronger person in our marriage. MY LEGS hurt! BUT the beds look great! The above painting I worked on yesterday and finished late last night after our neighborhood meeting. Leaning more toward realism, it was a romantic feel at the canvas as I worked. Today is the first day of the rest of your life! Remember to honor the Lord first and then get on your way to a positive day. I can't stress enough sharing a warm smile with everyone, especially here where it is cloudy and dreary again. Not sure how any of my paintings are drying! Grace, Laurie “God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And there was evening and there was morning, the first day.”—Genesis 1:5
Arabian Nights Two 30 x 30 inches Oil on Canvas A Painting a Day SOLD Good morning from Texas! It is a balmy 55 degrees outside and will be warming up to 80 today! I am going to be painting for my New York Show this weekend and working on a second commission piece for Spirit and Eddie's mom. Also need to finish up pieces for a shop in Rowlett Texas. This Arabian is painted in a soft spirited way with my trademark use of odd colors in places! Part of that fauvistic flavor I love to add. It sold the day I painted it and posted it in my store on eBay. Forgiveness and finding peace is important in our lives. With small things and big things. You cannot find a peace or light with in yourself if you are harboring ill feelings towards situations or people in your journey. Trying to let go of your anger is often difficult. We always hang on to thoughts and things, reliving the pain because we won't let go of it. It is not what others do to us, it is what we do to ourselves. Sto...