Descent . Contemporary Horse Painting . Gifts of the Spirit . Pure Justus . Laurie Pace Abstract Horse Paintings
© +Laurie Pace Graphics One Design 2019 Descent 9 x 12 Oil on Canvas SOLD Pure Justus Contemporary Horse Painting ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FOLLOW MY BLOG ON INSTAGRAM @lauriepaceblog Available Paintings by Laurie Pace “Writing is utter solitude, the descent into the cold abyss of oneself.” Franz Kafka I almost shivered when I came across this quote about writing. "The cold abyss of oneself"... For me writing and art and music...the three gifts I have been graced with, are not about me, but about the celebration of the Father who chose them for me. It is only through him that I can find my path through my work, be it writing, playing music or painting. Creating is for this artist, a powerful charge of the Holy Spirit within me coming out in words...