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Showing posts with the label Dawn

Ramblings of Sunrise and the New Day.    © +Laurie Pace         Graphics One Design 2019 “Not knowing when the dawn will come I  open every door.” Emily Dickinson Found this simple photo of a lake with an early sunrise in Finland.  It brought a quiet peace to my heart and soul. If I could wish that for each of you, I would.  Imagine the cold in these woods as the photographer came upon the lake early in the morning. The dark clouds breaking up as the sun breaks through with soft oranges and pinks. I know he paused before the shutter clicked, and he felt the magnificence of the arrival of day, just like a new baby being born... the tiny head rotating out first before the next push brings the full birth.  A new day offers new birth to opportunities, new horizons, new experiences, a chance to start again, to discover something new and live another day. It brings hope. It matters not if you are in Finland, the United States, Japan,...