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Showing posts with the label @ellepacestudio

Sunflower Trio Painting by Laurie Pace

© Laurie Pace        Graphics One Design 2025 SUNFLOWER TRIO 24 x 36 Oil on Canvas  SOLD   by Laurie Pace   Sunflower trio is from early summer photos here in Texas. The Texas heat tends to sap them as the summer hits July and August. When we would be driving home from Dallas into the country where we live, the highways were not the massive ones of today. Sunflowers grew randomly throughout the land near the road. These were lush!! Painting these sunflowers were actually bringing praise to God on the canvas as I worked.  "The Spirit of the Paint" from Him to my heart and brush.  Philippians 4:8 " Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things."  You are not only what you eat, but you are what you think and do, influenced by your friends interact...

In The Beginning.... there was paint! Good morning Monday from Elle Pace Studio... Texas Artist Laurie Pace

   © Laurie Pace        Graphics One Design 2023 The Beginning of a Painting 36 x 48  Oils on Canvas  by Laurie Pace   Shop other Available Artwork.  Sign up for my quarterly newsletter and painting sales. This is how it begins.   3 ft by 4 ft is the size of the canvas. I literally do not know what I will see in this as I progress. IT IS ABOUT BEING BRAVE There is no rhyme or reason to placement of colors and I usually select random colors. Sometimes it works and sometimes it does not...but you learn to flow with the mistakes along the way. I have not shared this in quite a while.. so we will do it this week.   Have you ever found yourself doubting something going on around you?   I sort of felt that way when I started this painting  this way... doubting myself. You may doubt yourself or someone else. It is very easy to fall into the trap of doubting or discontentment with worr...

Behold, Push Against the Wind by Elle Pace, Texas Artist, Laurie Pace

  © Laurie Pace        Graphics One Design 2023 Behold Push Against the Wind 12 x 12  Oils on Canvas and Framed Richly accenting the color palette  in the painting. Available    by "Elle" Laurie Pace   Shop other Available Artwork.  Sign up for my quarterly newsletter and painting sales. "The wind blows where it wishes and you hear the sound of it, but do not know where it comes from and where it is going; so is everyone who is born of the Spirit.” John 3:8 This painting began with light palette knife sweeps in rich colors of browns, deep reds, and golds. I knew right away it would be horses and I began turning and rotating the canvas to find the silhouettes of the horses in the paint.  They stood out strongly to my eye and I could feel the wind in their face.  Preparing for the Keller Public Art Show, I was blessed to visit The Dutch Art gallery in search of frames for several of my pa...

First Bloom 8 x 8 Knife Painting By Texas Artist Laurie Pace, Lets talk about 'the process'....

   © Laurie Pace        Graphics One Design 2023 First Bloom   8 x 8  Oils on Panel Cradled. Available    by Laurie Pace   Shop other Available Artwork.  Sign up for my quarterly newsletter and painting sales. "Was not sure how this painting, First Bloom, was going to pan out as I began. The color combination wowed me in a satisfied hunger way. Something about the dark green field in the back and the colors began to build. It was from a photo I took of our flowers several years ago, but definitely not matching in colors. If you like Thick Buttery Layers... you will LOVE First Bloom"    Trust the Process Many times in life things seem to get 'turned around' and more negative thoughts surface over positive thoughts. We all have our own path to travel and God gifts us the ability to make decisions on the journey.  Not sure about you, but some of my first adult decisions were not the fin...

Beyond Grey 1 in PROCESS by Texas Artist Laurie Pace, what comes beneath the heartbeat of a painting?

   © Laurie Pace        Graphics One Design 2023 Beyond Grey 1 in Progress 8 x 8 panel with cradle  by Laurie Pace   Shop other Available Artwork.   Sign up for my quarterly newsletter and painting sales. Beneath I began laying up a few canvas this morning in between running errands, cooking, moving china and cleaning out drawers. Things are always shifting when you least expect it. It is late tonight, already past six. I always used to blog at 6:30 am each morning. Not sure I could get here then, I am on the treadmill each morning by  6:30 doing my 3-4 miles. Usually walk at least 45 min and just trying to squeeze a faster walk in.  I have been in touch with another painter I have know for many years, Elizabeth Chapman. She is an awesome artist and I own  three of her paintings now.  She took a small break from working about the same time I did, and I am still redefining and...