Roses for Papa Oil Painting Palette knife of two young girls in a garden picking roses for their dad for Father's Day. 18 x 24 Inches Oil on Canvas ©Laurie Pace Graphics One Design 1998-2011 Contact me for Commission Work. Laurie JOYFUL May this day be filled with joy. May you radiate God's love in your words and your touch as you share time with others. Many of us here in the USA celebrate Fathers on this day. As my younger brother says, it is an American Holiday to make people spend money, but cards and boost the economy. Every day should be Father's Day and Mother's Day. Every day should be God's day. No matter what is apart of the day, allow the joy deep inside of you to bubble out and contagiously spread to those around you. The choice is always yours what to share with others. God Bless Laurie “Fathers, do not exasperate your children; instead, bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord.” ...
Laurie Pace Fine Art Paintings, The Spirit of the Paint as the gift from our Father inspires me daily to paint and share the beauty of our world with you. Horse Paintings, Figurative Paintings, Flower Paintings, Wildlife paintings... I will fill your day and life with the Spirit of the Paint, as it drips and forms on my canvas. Contemporary Art with inspirations of the world around us. Join me here on my blog or my home website, May the Lord God Bless and Keep You in His Love.