A good night's sleep, the call of early birds, although it is pitch black outside still...and a hot shower and I am ready to roll. Terry has to work today, so Morgan and Hillary will be manning the booth at the arboretum with me today. When we lived in Dallas seven years ago, we were always supporting members...a bit harder from Justin TX...but being back here in the gardens is always magical. This has to be one of the prettiest in the nation. The folks putting on the show have thought of EVERYTHING> There is a refreshment room filled with food for the artists, they come around with wagons FULL of cold water and smiles and candy bars.
I think I told you last night in my tired state I sold 10 pieces yesterday. I hope today goes as well. I strolled around momentarily when I would dash to the bathroom and checked out other artists and booths. Terry bought me a wood jewelry box from an artist from Austin. REALLY pretty work. I have wanted one for about 15 years.
When we were setting up on Friday I spoke to a woman caty corner to my booth...with warm wonderful watercolors. The last thing she did before she left was put her sign up over her booth. I missed her actually doing that but she waved as she left on Friday. As we were leaving I noticed her sign. Griffin. Long story short...I was searching in the Dallas area for a watercolorist that I LOVED their work, wanting to secure a teacher for my mom. I found Mary Griffin's work. We have visited on the phone on and off all summer long and never met. We spent Saturday back and forth sharing the art world. She is delightful. I promised after getting home on the big Mac to include her website in my blog next week and some links to her new blog she is going to start.
GOD is GOOD all the time! Of all the 95 artists in this show here were Mary and I right across from each other. What are the odds?? Especially when over 1000 artists applied for this juried show..and she was accepted. I was sought out less than 2 weeks ago when they had seen my work online and contacted me....and I accepted (Remember I DO NOT DO TENT SHOWS...I keep reminding myself) I hope this is a beginning of a long friendship. I love her already.
More to come. Have blessed Sunday... and special thanks to Kathy making my day yesterday at the show too. Another blog reader that stopped among several to see me. Kath and I have been sharing so much and to get to hug her neck and spend time person to person...wow, God is Good!
NO verse today, but the song or mantra in my head this weekend.
"Of the Father's love begotten, Ere the worlds began to be, He is Alpha and Omega, He the source the ending He."