© Laurie Pace Graphics One Design 2025 Fresh Flowers Oil on Canvas 24 x 24 by Laurie Pace Fresh Flowers, 24 x 24 inches oil on Canvas with lots of palette knife layers on top. This was a painting the surface was prepared two years ago 2023 with circles for the flowers and a vase basically placed. I started back working on it this month, the beginning of March 2025. Never have I waited this long to paint in a new year. There are no more tears or what ifs coming from me. The Lord is my constant and what is ahead only He knows. “Very truly I tell you, whoever hears my word and believes him who sent me has eternal life and will not be judged but has crossed over from death to life." John 5:24 Enjoy this beautiful weekend. Look to Him to provide whatever you need. Shop other Available Artwork. Sign up for my quarterly newsletter and painting sales. Follow the Spirit of the ...
Laurie Pace Fine Art Paintings, The Spirit of the Paint as the gift from our Father inspires me daily to paint and share the beauty of our world with you. Horse Paintings, Figurative Paintings, Flower Paintings, Wildlife paintings... I will fill your day and life with the Spirit of the Paint, as it drips and forms on my canvas. Contemporary Art with inspirations of the world around us. Join me here on my blog or my home website, ellepace.com May the Lord God Bless and Keep You in His Love.