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Showing posts with the label flower painting

Fresh Flowers--- yes it is SPRING!

© Laurie Pace        Graphics One Design 2025 Fresh Flowers Oil on Canvas  24 x 24   by Laurie Pace   Fresh Flowers, 24 x 24 inches oil on Canvas with lots of palette knife layers on top.   This was a painting the surface was prepared two years ago 2023 with circles for the flowers and a vase basically placed.  I started back working on it this month, the beginning of March 2025. Never have I waited this long to paint in a new year. There are no more tears or what ifs coming from me. The Lord is my constant and what is ahead only He knows.  “Very truly I tell you, whoever hears my word and believes him who sent me has eternal life and will not be judged but has crossed over from death to life." John 5:24   Enjoy this beautiful weekend. Look to Him to provide whatever you need.  Shop other Available Artwork.  Sign up for my quarterly newsletter and painting sales. Follow the Spirit of the ...

Spring Evening Dahlia and First Communion

© Laurie Pace        Graphics One Design 2025 Spring Evening Dahlia Oil on Canvas  SOLD   by Laurie Pace   Glancing back with this Spring Dahlia painting created in 2011. Right now I have a new gathering of colorful Dahlias and Begonias to plant in pots outside my studio window this weekend. Still cold today, but spring is upon us in a few more days with decent 65-80 degrees each day.   Philippians 4:13 "I can do all things through Him that strengthens me. "   For some reason this morning I woke with the feeling of freedom.  Feels really odd but wonderful!!!  With this is the relaxation of my mind and taking time to 'feel' and 'take in' the good things and God has provided many. It is often too easy to feel pressured or worried and keeping that uneasiness going for weeks at a time. I truly cannot remember the last time I felt this free. This is empowered by my faith. Obviously I have been living the last two years in a...

Garden Spring Red - Day 11 Giveaway R. Harris

© Laurie Pace        Graphics One Design 2024 Garden Spring Red Oil on Canvas  SOLD   by Laurie Pace   Day 11 Giveaway Congrats R Harris Looking back on this painting is inspiring. Thoughts for next month getting underway!  You cannot believe how once February begins, I am thinking ahead of planting flowers for the summer.  My Christmas Cactus is blooming bringing smiles to my face when I work in the kitchen.   Counting Down... Christmas Eve is Tuesday night! Wrap those presents and cover those children with blanket wrapping them tight! "And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose ." Romans 8:28  Shop other Available Artwork.  Sign up for my quarterly newsletter and painting sales. Follow the Spirit of the Paint... with Laurie Pace Laurie Pace  -  A Texas Artist               ...

First Pink Rose

   © Laurie Pace        Graphics One Design 2023 First Rose 10 x 10  Oils on Cradled Birch Available    by Laurie Pace   John 15:13 Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends. Back... Back and painting.  A three day piece of work that delighted me to paint and be back with color lifting my mood and bringing a smile! Roses from my garden right now and inspired to paint them after seeing a beautiful rose by Nacogdoches Photographer Wendy Floyd. I love the light behind her rose and I just used the brightness in this painting! Rose paintings are a favorite. My last one was a yellow rose with water drops on it.  We have had rain and more rain...floods, hail and tornados forming overhead in the last 24 hours.  The hail was between golfball size and tennis ball size. Literally we have not seen rain like this since 2007.  I rather hope it continues...but not...

Hints of Picasso was born here in Texas....

   © Laurie Pace        Graphics One Design 2024 Hints of Picasso  by Laurie Pace   I absolutely love this piece painted between 2007 and 2009. There is a freedom and freshness in this painting, even today discovering it in my archives. Vivid reds, yellows and blues predominately with cross over colors of green and orange.  I am still working out the sadness in life missing my Mom this week especially. Probably this is why I was called to share this particular painting.  When we cleared out her home and all the paintings in the household... it was amazing.  She had many from me from early ages through today...along with many from her circle of friends that were amazing artists. My youngest son has a favorite of Jesus. It hung in her front entry area and greeted you coming and going! I often wonder where many of my pieces are these days. I really started selling on ebay in about 2003 I believe.  I miss...

Bits of Color by Texas Artist Laurie Pace, Palette knife at its best!

   © Laurie Pace        Graphics One Design 2023 Bits of Color 8 x 10 inches  Mixed Media Available    by Laurie Pace   Shop other Available Artwork.  Sign up for my quarterly newsletter and painting sales. " “The purest and most thoughtful minds are those which love color the most.”  ― John Ruskin, The Stones of Venice It is pretty obvious by my work that I love color. I have an addiction to color. That addiction means when I walk into a store with clothes... I only see color... not the actual dress, or shirt, or coat. It really is detrimental to my budget. I am successfully working on this shopping addiction to color. When the closet has six black sweaters, four green ones, four white ones, two grey ones, one red one, one orange one, one rose colored one and two navy blue ones... uh oh....and you see it happening with tops and sweats too.   QUESTION: What do you think happens when I walk...

Medley of Flowers, a Painting by Texas Artist Laurie Pace

   © Laurie Pace        Graphics One Design 2023 Medley of Flowers 8 x 8  Mixed Media on Canvas Available    by Laurie Pace   Shop other Available Artwork.  Sign up for my quarterly newsletter and painting sales. Layers of color and overlays with contrast and surprise dynamics weave together this entire painting over a black background, keeping part of the "realism",  while loosing to abstract shapes throughout. It is stunning and a perfect gift size and only $125.00 This Blog took a turn to share what I prayed for today, for my adult children and all the grandchildren.  A group of art friends has been discussing the lack of the presence of faith in the lives of many Americans. It is important to live our faith every day so it  becomes a part of our working mind and our lives.  I posted this on Facebook This morning to close friends which included my family. " I am praying for all three o...