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Showing posts with the label contemporary modern art horse painting

Golden Boy Horse Profile Horse Painting

© Laurie Pace        Graphics One Design 2024 Golden Boy 24 x 30 Oil on Canvas  SOLD   by Laurie Pace   Beauty in the day with this contemporary horse painting!    Strange as the couple that owns this one and two others, just contacted me for a longhorn! Canvas ordered, preparing to order some fill in colors... need to do that after this blog though. In this painting their are patterns of shapes and patterns of colors. Another one of those with me looking at it saying... I painted this? I would love it in my own house! I must confess, I am tired of the heat.   I have not slept the best the past three days and trying to get my 10,000 steps in has been a challenge and last night leg cramps at 3:30 a.m.  What I am not tired of are all the blessings I do have. 👉The love of the Father.  👉 👉 The hope and blessings of Jesus and the confidence and influence of the Holy Ghost.  👉 👉 👉 Taking the time to consider all that is positive and full of love surrounds me and b