Early Evening Dusk ~ Horse Painting by Laurie Justus Pace
24 x 36 inches
Oil on Canvas
CONTEMPORARY ART for your home.
24 x 36 inches
Oil on Canvas
CONTEMPORARY ART for your home.

This is a second in this series of reflections. The first one was in coffee colors and this one is in blues! I noticed after I posted two paintings last week with horses and reflections there are several artists inspired on to paint horses and reflections! Paint on!
Gee, did I sleep last night? I was here in the studio working until eleven. Fell into bed and slept and I am back here at seven. I just finished my bible study ...it is on David in 1 Samuel. Pretty deep reading tying in the bond of the covenant between David and Jonathan and the bond with three with the Father. Then the covenant through the bread given to us as when Jesus says He is the bread of life....so much to reflect on this morning as I paint.
I had a comment on yesterday's work from Blue (Michael) and I wanted to email him and didn't know how...so if you are reading this, I did leave a comment on your blog, check it out! It amazes me how many people stop by to share my thoughts each morning and if anything small reaches to you I know my "ramblings" are the bread I share with each of you.
The relationship between David and Jonathan was amazing. I would put it equal in love and respect that I have for my own husband with our covenant we made with the Lord. When I reflect on my friends per sae, I have a friend from jr high and high school that I feel emotionally knitted to because we endured the tightest friendship through those teenage years and our mutual love and respect has lasted through the past 30 plus years. We live far apart from each other, but when we talk, the years and moments apart do not exist. We do have a covenant, a trust, a love and it is a forever thing bonded by God.
Reflect today on covenants in your life and who you are committed to through the unity of a relationship blessed by the Father.
"When he had finished speaking to Saul, the soul of Jonathan was knit to the soul of David and Jonathan loved him as his own soul." 1 Samuel 18:1
"And Jonathan made David swear again by his love for him; for he loved him as he loved his own soul." 1 Samuel 20:17
I sent you an email to your aol address, I could not find the entry you said you had left on my blog.
I am busy on your new feeder, you will love it. The birds will love you for it.
I keep my eyes unto the hills from whence my help cometh.
Peace, Blue