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Showing posts with the label Communion Painting

Spring Evening Dahlia and First Communion

© Laurie Pace        Graphics One Design 2025 Spring Evening Dahlia Oil on Canvas  SOLD   by Laurie Pace   Glancing back with this Spring Dahlia painting created in 2011. Right now I have a new gathering of colorful Dahlias and Begonias to plant in pots outside my studio window this weekend. Still cold today, but spring is upon us in a few more days with decent 65-80 degrees each day.   Philippians 4:13 "I can do all things through Him that strengthens me. "   For some reason this morning I woke with the feeling of freedom.  Feels really odd but wonderful!!!  With this is the relaxation of my mind and taking time to 'feel' and 'take in' the good things and God has provided many. It is often too easy to feel pressured or worried and keeping that uneasiness going for weeks at a time. I truly cannot remember the last time I felt this free. This is empowered by my faith. Obviously I have been living the last two years in a...