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Showing posts with the label lilies

Pop Art Flower Art Oil Painting ~ "Marco Polo Lily " by Laurie Pace

Pop Art Flower Art Oil Painting ~ "Marco Polo Lily " by Laurie Pace 24 x 36 inches, Oil on Canvas Commissioned by Collector in Switzerland. Contact me for commission work: Laurie © Laurie Pace Graphics One Design 2009 " You shall not covet your neighbor's house. You shall not covet your neighbor's wife, or his manservant or maidservant, his ox or donkey, or anything that belongs to your neighbor ." Exodus 20:17 A PAINTING A DAY: This was painted a few years ago as a commission painting. I have not had time to take pictures of my work from the weekend yet, so I pulled from my archives. My Thought for the Day: There is a song from Vacation Bible School from many summers ago, when my grandson was only 5. I led the music for bible school and the theme song was "I AM A PROMISE". The words have never left my brain and my grandson is almost 12 now. I think it went like this: "I am a promise I am a possibility I am a promise with a ...
Roses and Lilies ~ Flower Art Oil Painting by Laurie Justus Pace 8 x 10 on Linen Panel Contact me for commission work. Laurie SOLD! Thank you Daily Painters! Egads, what a night. Pulled neck from unpacking boxes last night and topped that with a nice sinus headache with our ever changing weather. A friend had sent me one of those heal cloths you can wrap an injury in...sort of magnet like. I wrapped my neck in it last nigh. It is still sore this morning but I am moving slowly and made a promise to Terry as he helped me dress this morning, that I absolutely would not unpack any boxes today. Will paint some this morning and then clean out the second pantry. We are busy sorting and discarding. Sorting and Discarding is something we should do in our lives on a continual basis. Lessens the stress in your life considerable. There is much of his stuff I would love to lose. I have the right to say this because at the last house we lived in I dumped probably 1/3 of my stuff and another 1/3 ...