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Showing posts with the label horse painting Texas artist

Horse Painting by Texas Artist Laurie Justus Pace

Horse 24 x 30 inches  Oil on Canvas    Sold This is from my painting archives from the fall of 2006. I hope I am able to return to the studio tomorrow.  I have been out with a tummy bug for several days. This is from my laptop in bed!  ©Laurie Pace   Graphics One Design 1998-2011 Contact me: Laurie    In God's Time Well, I am praying this morning will be better than yesterday.  I made it up and moving for about three hours yesterday and then it was back to bed.  Terry grilled some chicken for me and I ate a tiny bit of that and one English Muffin. It will be in His time and not mine. Bless his heart, he ran into town to the store to pick up things and I ask for Popsicles.... and he brought back REAL FRUIT Popsicles which of course are not good to eat.   I hugged him and licked on one for a bit but told him the secret was clear fluid things!  I cannot wait to be better and eat those real fruit bars. Meanwhi...