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Showing posts with the label He Lives
In My Mind Contemporary Art Nude Oil Painting Palette Knife by Laurie Justus Pace 24 x 48 inches of thick paint; See pictures below. Contact me for additional information or to purchase: Laurie Time for one of my few nudes I do every year. I probably paint four a year and it has been about five months since the last one! You will find very thick paint forming the planes on the body and of course my trademark color palette. I hesitated before blogging this morning praying about content and where my thoughts were to even start my day today. I truly feel we would be so much better off with out the television and the media. One of those love hate relationships we have. Sometimes we have a love hate relationship with in ourselves raging as well. God has so much planned and available for us to do in our lifetime and most of us never reach our potential. For some reason we live conditionally in our lives trying to stay in control and not trusting Him to be in control. Jesus has warned ...