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Showing posts with the label trust God
no. 6 Tying the Slipper Contemporary Art Ballerina Slipper Daily Painting by Laurie Justus Pace 8 x 10 inch Oil on Linen Contact me to purchase: Laurie RAINEX. Have you ever tried that on your car windshield? If you have not, GO BUY IT TODAY. Terry has always used it on our cars. I think they use it exclusively on the airplanes...imagine those big birds in the sky and a rain storm. That jingles my nerves. We were on our way early this morning through treacherous traffic to Metro VW. My baby car needed a new fan for the heater/AC and there were drips of oil on the floor of the garage and she needed a new fuel filter. Irregardless, as we left at 8 this morning (Yes, that is why I am blogging late) it was in rain rain rain and sleet sleet sleet the further west we drove toward the mid cities area. Terry had a new coating of Rainex on the windshield and we were driving along with out the tension of the blades going whish whish and click click and the nervous scurry of the windshiel...