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Showing posts with the label Child and horse oil painting

A Hug Between Friends - a Painting of a horse and a young child.

© Laurie Pace        Graphics One Design 2025 A Hug Between Friends Oil on Canvas  SOLD   by Laurie Pace     This Horse and Child painting was a small palette knife painting that sold the day I finished it. The relationship between young children and horses can be magical and forever as they grow up together. She takes refuge in the closeness of her horse.  Psalms 46: 1 " God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble." He is our refuge ands strength....I thought the roof was lifting off early this morning!  I was up at 4:30 letting our dog out before the storm hit. The weather sirens began in earnest and there is no difference with strong winds or a tornado.  I stayed in bed with my dog next to me!  Hubby was up early with the noise and started breakfast.  Those 75 mph winds struck at 4:45 this morning. There is damage all over the Dallas Ft Worth Metroplex.  We seem to ...
My Horse Contemporary Art Daily Painting Horse and Child Painting 18 x 18 inches Oil on Canvas SOLD Contact me for commission work. Laurie In my videos you always see Terry's side of the work room. This is my side. This is the only chaotic room in the house, except the kitchen, which is being redone right now. I did not paint yesterday. Didn't feel good. Not normal for me at all. But I spent the day cleaning out kitchen cabinets and rearranging for the installation of the granite. Terry continues to strip cabinets so his job will be complete. Yes I need to take pictures. Stacey had a sonogram yesterday. She was having some leaking issues and they wanted to make sure all was good. New discovery...she is 29 weeks and the baby should be about 2.2 lbs in size. Well, Miss Lauren Gracen is already 3 lbs 8 ounces. Stacey still has 10 weeks to go and the baby will double the last four weeks....should we start a guessing game to size and weight ? Maybe we should do the predict...
Ready To Ride Contemporary Art Daily Painting Oil on Linen Child and Horse by Laurie Justus Pace 8 x 10 Oil on Linen Panel PAY AS YOU WISH! Merry Christmas. Contact me with YOUR best offer. Laurie I will ship it out immediately. This pay as you wish is pretty powerful. I sold one piece for $15 and one for $350. So, just send me an offer if you see something you like. Thursday arrived this morning with groans. One of the few days in the year I did NOT want to get up out of bed. I worked until after ten last night on commission paintings that need to dry and be shipped for Christmas. I will probably do another 18 hour day today as well. God is good. Remember the Joy and Abundance, I still chant that as I paint. Divine Order is in place. The granite man comes this afternoon to give us estimates on the kitchen counters and bathroom counters. YEAH! Terry brought home two more finished clean doors that he worked on at work. He took two more with him today. THERE IS HOPE! I guess I sho...
Sharing with a Friend Child and Horse Oil Painting by Laurie Justus Pace Sharing with a Friend 16" x 20" (40.7cm x 50.8cm) Oil on Gallery Wrap Canvas $499 plus $15 shipping and handling in the US E-mail me for International shipping rates or other inquiries. Today I am going to challenge you to reset your priorities. For each of you that will mean something different. None of our priorities are ever the same...but sometimes someone needs to get your attention and say RETHINK THIS. WHAT is most important right now and WHO is most important right now? I can only answer for me right now, not for you. God is first as always. Next I have to shuffle. I have again put myself on a back burner, fell off the wagon for loosing my summer weight gain, haven't done my exercise tape in four days, ate a brownie last night, and went to bed miserable. You know who can fix this??? Me. Maybe you all need to help me be accountable....egads, that is scary. How many times have I groaned...
MORNING RIDE Child on Horse by Laurie Justus Pace 15 x 30 inches Oil on Canvas SOLD Saturday morning and I am struggling to stay awake. Stacey is coming to visit soon and I want to finish up a painting before she arrives. Maybe we will shop a few hours and she will drop me on her way home at my son's house to visit and see my grandson. Terry will pick me up there on his way home this my studio time is short today. Make a plan and hear God laugh. I had great time management this week with completing all I had planned out. Sometimes in life we plan but it is not His plan. That is something to pray about, having God guide you in to putting your life in Right Order. Most of us have issues with control. Well at least 99.9 percent of us do. So when you think about it in life you must be willing to submit (eek) yourself to others. That is losing control. God works on us our entire existence here in this life's journey to get to the point that we realize we do...
Hiding Out with A Friend Horse Oil Painting by Laurie Justus Pace 8 x 10 Gallery Wrap Canvas SOLD From the easel yesterday another MY BUDDY AND ME! The moment of security when you nuzzle underneath in the protection of your best friend. Thick oils applied with a palette knife. Underneath the protection of your best friend...that is easy enough to expand on this morning. My eyes are a bit bleary from not being awake yet. Lately as I have felt overwhelmed by the surmounting cost of the money pit we live in, I remind myself that the Lord brought us to this house and here we are under His protection. We are busy nurturing this house back to life and there is much more to go. Under His protection we can only proceed in faith that He will provide what is needed for us to progress. Receiving two bills yesterday, one for the heater at $4200 and one from the plumber for $2400...I was in a panic. Within second though, I felt a calmness and knew I just had to work a bit harder, paint a bit ...
A BITE OF APPLE My Buddy and Me Series Oil Painting by Laurie Justus Pace 8 x 10 x 2 inches This is my fourth in the MY BUDDY and ME series. Prompted by old photos of my grandson, this painting sort of evolved on its own! The sweet innocence of a little one in the sunlight is usually enough, but as this one eats his bite of apple, he has a buddy wanting a nibble too! This is Terry (He is my hubby, the big one) playing Swords with Jonathan, the little one, our grandson. More Sword Action play. Jonathan came to spend most of Saturday with us. Jon had just opened his new sword. He has been waiting since Dec 26th to see it. A game of chess as things quieted down. This was always part of life when Jon lived with us. He and Terry played chess every day. Well, life continues here in our little 'Money pit". We are still cleaning up massive amts of dust and dirt, but the new heater works like a champ. We were delighted with a long visit with our grandson yesterday. I think I me...
SNACK TIME By Laurie Justus Pace Second in the Series My Buddy and Me A quick note as destruction is in the process and I must have my computer off and covered. Terry is ready for breakdown. Yesterday the waterheater came out, today he is taking the heating unit out. Tomorrow the HVAC man is due to come install a new system, but I am unclear on the waterheater issue. The journey I spoke of for our family is still in the prayer process...please keep us close to heart. Morgan began a new job today downtown. More on that tomorrow too. I am hoping once this is finished and I am UP UP UP out of bed ...YEAH...we can get back to life. Today I am painting a French Saddle Horse. You will get to see it later in the week as I post. I have new paintings on the camera, but only allowed a few precious minutes to do this blog this morning. Smile at yourself today in the mirror. Know you are a child of God and you are loved. Grace, Laurie "My name will be great among the nations, from the risi...
A HUG BETWEEN FRIENDS ~ Child and Horse Oil Painting by Laurie Justus Pace 8 x 10 x 2 Oil on Gallery Wrap Canvas Contact me for pricing. Email: Laurie Still freezing outside and inside. I have issues that I am dealing with on a both a physical and spiritual level. Trying to understand how we will have heat before the ice storm hits on Monday...and all the pipes freeze below the house because we have no heat in the house to keep them flowing. Morgan arrived yesterday about four and chopped down huge bush/trees by the gas meter. Then TP arrived with a jack hammer. Morgan is suppose to return today to jack hammer. TP will cut rebarb when he makes it home at four. OF course my brain goes entirely a different direction. We are turning Morgan loose with a jack hammer and NO experience... while Terry toddles off to work. ( BELIEVE ME as I watched Morgan trying to do this yesterday and had to remove myself from the window out of laughter and fear rolled together.) Morgan has no jack h...