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Showing posts with the label Flower paintings

Sunflower Trio Painting by Laurie Pace

© Laurie Pace        Graphics One Design 2025 SUNFLOWER TRIO 24 x 36 Oil on Canvas  SOLD   by Laurie Pace   Sunflower trio is from early summer photos here in Texas. The Texas heat tends to sap them as the summer hits July and August. When we would be driving home from Dallas into the country where we live, the highways were not the massive ones of today. Sunflowers grew randomly throughout the land near the road. These were lush!! Painting these sunflowers were actually bringing praise to God on the canvas as I worked.  "The Spirit of the Paint" from Him to my heart and brush.  Philippians 4:8 " Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things."  You are not only what you eat, but you are what you think and do, influenced by your friends interact...

A Summer Bloom give away... A new experience of Letting Things Go... can you do it? Texas Artist Laurie Pace aka Elle Pace

© Laurie Pace        Graphics One Design 2023 Summer Blooms 6 x 6 inches  Acrylic on Cradled Panel Free Drawing for this Little Blessing - must register by  midnight 11 August 2023 CST Click the painting above to enter.   by Laurie Pace   Shop other Available Artwork.  Sign up for my quarterly newsletter and painting sales. A New Experience I chose to share an acrylic flower this time. I am going to do a work out of many things in acrylics trying to decide if I even want them in my studio!  I have been working on a commission painting and had to use acrylic because of the time involved to 'give' it to someone.  It went better than I thought but I started differently. So the give aways will either be in oil or some will be new things in acrylic.  I hope to do this every second or third day but will always post it on FB or just check this blog daily.  BE READY "Consider it pure joy, my brothers and...

All Flower Paintings on Sale! Texas Artist Laurie Pace, aka ELLE.

   © Laurie Pace        Graphics One Design 2023 All Flower Paintings on Sale! Available    by Laurie Pace   Shop other Available Artwork.  Sign up for my quarterly newsletter and painting sales. “Flowers appear on the earth; the season of singing has come, the cooing of doves is heard in our land." Song of Songs 2:12 For every season in life... nature revolves in her wisdom to bring forth what is needed. Seasons for the earth, seasons for the humans that inhabit the earth. What season of life are you in right now? I seem to bounce through them from one to another yet I know "there is time to every purpose under Heaven." and the Father tends to me even when I cannot see what is to be. I abide in Him.  Turn Turn Turn  written by Pete Seeger in the late 1950s and first recorded in 1959.   To everything   Turn, turn, turn There is a season   Turn, turn, turn An...

Full Moon Tulip Painting and it is ALL ABOUT ATTITUDE ADJUSTMENT today! Laurie Pace, A Texas Artist

©  Laurie Pace        Graphics One Design 2023 Full Moon Tulips 10 x 10  Acrylic on Birch Available    by Laurie Pace   Shop other Available Artwork.  Sign up for my quarterly newsletter and painting sales. "This was a journey I enjoyed. From a tulip photo I took in my kitchen about 10 years ago... I tried looking at it and dissect it into a "pop" feeling to it. The creativity part was relaxing and the final touch ups very rewarding!  The background is my favorite blue on the right side. The underlay of the painting had a soft bright orange that comes through near the bottom. Hope it calls to a heart for a new home! Makes me want to party! "  Changing Directions I remember my father-in-law and his wonderful sense of humor.  I only saw him angry twice, the rest of the time he wore a smile as big as Texas and it made his eye wrinkle up and smile at the same time.  His favorite saying was,  "He can...

Winter Blooms in Texas with ELLE Pace in Studio. Roses are blooming today! Join me in today's thoughts of God at work. Laurie Pace a Texas Artist

   © Laurie Pace        Graphics One Design 2023 Winter Blooms 12 x 12  Oils on Canvas Available    by Laurie Pace   Shop other Available Artwork.  Sign up for my quarterly newsletter and painting sales. ONLY IN TEXAS Here in North Texas we were below freezing already several times. But the past five days it has been in the 70's and my roses are blooming right outside my studio window.  The next frost in about a week will kill them back again.  I zoomed out in the misty rain today and snapped some photos to inspire me.  I have not painted roses with knives in probably 8 years.  It was time to have a flower in the studio... in fact I did a small flower today as well that I will share tomorrow.   In this Winter Bloom 12 x 12 painting, you will have the thick buttery palette knife oil painting I have done over the past 22 years. I am collected world wide for m...

In Christ, looking up close and personal at who we are as Christians. Painting Flowers Again Soon, Texas Artist Laurie Pace

   © Laurie Pace        Graphics One Design 2022 The Glass Vase  by Laurie Pace   Shop other Available Artwork.   Sign up for my quarterly newsletter and painting sales. I believe the drought of summer 2022, has been one of the worst we have experienced in our lifetime. Yesterday, for the first time in two months, temperatures fell below 100 and it rained.  It actually stormed. Terry and I had left the house to travel to Keller Texas, to Bear Creek Running Co . We are planning on walking the dogs as temps drops, and I needed new shoes.  I drove us in BlueBird (My new car) home in strong winds and torrential rains with thunder and lightening. While I wish I had flowers to be worried about, we struggled this summer to water the grass and all of our trees.  We had nine trees but the weather last year took out a 20 yr old red oak. It left a huge vacancy in our back yard. My hope is to break away from...