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Showing posts with the label drink in the art
IN THE DARK OF NIGHT Abstract Horse Painting by Laurie Justus Pace 18 x 24 x 2 Acrylic Overlays with Varnish Inquiries: Laurie Appropriate painting I do believe... but it is day time and just past nine. I am suppose to be at the framer, was to be there six minutes ago, so this is a very very short blog. I have over 25 emails wanting to know about the bed. The Bed is WONDERFUL. We slept like logs... and woke happily...but a bit late! The only ONLY negative is the mattress is short. We have a huge four poster bed and are used to the big deep mattress set we had. Our mattress sits very very low. I am hoping Terry can figure out something to rig to bring it up higher. I feel like I could slip through between the back of the bed and the mattress with the hole that is there!!! I high recommend the bed after one night, but we need to see after two or three nights! I like the verse I chose to include today. Think about the words and see what you think. As a human we would have a dif...