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Showing posts with the label bird
CHIPPING SPARROW 5 x 7 inches Oil on panel A Painting a Day Sunday morning early! This is another one of my small bird paintings heading for NY this week. It is a chipping sparrow. Stephanie, the Gallery manager wanted a series of my birds. I really enjoy the ease and yet full intensity of painting these little guys! I was honored last night by high bidding on one of my eBay paintings. Credit given to the Holy Spirit for the inspiration and was my triple canvas horse painting and it sold for $1225 to one of my horse collectors in New York. I didn't get to watch it yesterday because Terry and I were taking CPR training, first aid training, med training etc and didn't get in until late last night. Rain continues to pummel the area. It was raining lightly when we arrived home...and around two this morning huge winds and more rain arrived. We are down to walking the dogs in the back yard on led because it is so wet outside and the ground is very mushy. Paddy w...
FEMALE CARDINAL 5 x 7 inches oil on panel A Painting A Day Short and sweet. Painted this sweetheart yesterday and it will go up to my show in NY with a book.... I have but 40 min to shower, walk the dogs, eat and leave for my morning class! SO this is a quick blog this morning. Forgive someone today, even if it is yourself. Grace, Laurie PS Don I am still praying for your flights and calm weather. “Then the Lord said, ‘I do forgive, just as you have asked.’”—Numbers 14:20
Chickadee 6 x 6 inches Oil on Board SOLD A Painting A Day Good morning from COLD COLD Texas. It is our Easter Freeze right on time. I worked on three birds yesterday and this one is already sold and has a home to fly to in about a week when it is dry. It was a very soul searching time as I worked on these little guys, I did a robin and a bluebird, both are in my ebay store listed at $89. I have been challenged to do an owl....we will see. The Good Friday Service we went to yesterday was a moving trail of love from the Lord. From the calling of the disciples, through the entire store of Jesus's moments, candles extinguishing with the story ... we ended at the kneeling alter, each having pulled nails out of the offering plate and holding them in our hands, meditating and praying. Tears were rolling down my cheeks. The service ended with deep thoughts of where we all were in our lives and our walk with the Lord. I know for my self there is so much work to be done. They have put ...