18 x 27 inches
Oil on Canvas
A Painting a Day
Contemporary Art
18 x 27 inches
Oil on Canvas
A Painting a Day
Contemporary Art

It is Saturday and I am up. I may try and squeeze in an acrylic painting this morning before heading into Dallas to Ben's house. I am driving our truck over to pick my daughter Stacey up and then we are heading over to move some of our things into storage until we can figure out what to do with it all. Morgan will be there too. He is my artist son, the other painter in the family. The heat will be strong today so we won't work too long today. I hope to be home and back painting by this afternoon.
Have you noticed in yourself, or well for sure in others, negativity? Some folks do not own a pair of rose colored glasses and the world is always against them or things are always going wrong. You love and value some friends and family but it often feels draining that they are always down and so negative. Just by thinking that, I know I am being negative because it is with in my power to have a positive slant on viewing them. That is when you must allow that negative energy to pass around you and at the same time send back to them comfort and positive energy. I have learned you can't change them, and for sure you can't live with out some of them, so you must learn not to internalize their thoughts or allow them to drag you on their side. God's love and beauty shines in abundance even in this person. Let go of your mindful thoughts and dwell on their heart with simple compassion. I embrace you with love. Next time I am at Target, I will see if I can buy you a pair of rose colored glasses.
“Do not pronounce judgment before the time, before the Lord comes, who will bring to light the things now hidden in darkness and will disclose the purposes of the heart.”—1 Corinthians 4:5