THE COWBOY ~ Horse Painting by Laurie Justus Pace
15 x 30 inches
Oil on Gallery Wrapped Canvas
Contemporary Art for the Home
15 x 30 inches
Oil on Gallery Wrapped Canvas
Contemporary Art for the Home

Tuesday and still in the midst of our late Indian Summer. Got a HUGE electric bill yesterday, but I have not had a bad one all summer, so I guess one is not bad. Terry thinks the AC is going out, so I am happy we have a unit lined up to go in.
This painting was finished on Sunday. Out of the midst of painting it I saw a cowboy standing inside the you see it? At first I laughed and then I thought, Why not leave it...tell me what you think...
Today Terry will work even though it is his day off. He is working a late shift to switch off schedule with another man to have Saturday off for his huge family reunion. It will be the first time in 17 years I will not be there! I will be at ARTSCAPE in Dallas at the Arboretum and again if you are a Dallas/FT Worth reader, BE THERE!!! I will be working tonight in the studio late preparing all the "Stuff" that goes with the art...price tags, bios etc etc etc.
Yesterday I got to meet one of my buyers here at the studio. Keith came up from Cleburne with Linda. He was picking up one of his paintings. It is always such a grace and a gift to meet the folks that are hanging my work in their home. He was an inspiration in his own way and maybe in the next few weeks I will share more, stay tuned.
I was having a discussion with Terry last night as we were returning from a very late shopping trip into Dallas to Whole Foods. It was about ten and we were still only half way home from Dallas. We are both at a point that we feel we individually have sought guidance on a huge issue in our lives on our home and finding somewhere we actually WANT to live. We discovered we are both terrified of screwing up again. We should have NEVER bought the house we are in. It is way way too small and I have no place to paint and when I have NO place to paint, Terry has no place to build his models, which is his hobby. We seek answers... we continue to pray (altho sometimes I envision myself banging my head against a wall) and we both know in our hearts that our Father has a plan and we have to wait. In younger years we would have just plowed through a direction and not worried about the fall out. Funny how as you get older with less years left you worry about fall out. Faith is pure and God's love is pure and it is unconditional. We both must trust confidently in the love and wisdom of our Father.
“When they saw that the star had stopped, they were overwhelmed with joy.”—Matthew 2:10
I love this painting and the cowboy too. I hope that you and Terry will find the place you are looking for. Be know God will provide when the time is right. You guys need a big studio to live in with small living quarters for all your arts. I wish you luck and thanks again for all of your help. You are always so kind. Good things will come to you my friend.
Sincerely, Michael aka Blue