BIG TEX Texas Longhorn Oil Painting by Laurie Justus Pace 24 x 36 inches Previews at my opening at Patina of Marble Falls Oct 11th. This is UT Country. Contact Patina Of Marble Falls $2200 Marnie Moran I am up late an this is short on my half. Baby puppy Sasha kept me up most of the night. I am hoping they are all going home today. Yesterday I finished up this painting for the opening in Marble Falls. It is a beauty and I pray it will find a good home. Did you ever notice how hard it is to stay Faith-filled when everything around you is screaming FEAR for your life? Between the tumbling, or rather FALLING stock market and the soaring gas prices... oh and do not leave out the soaring unemployement and the grocery store is a bit off right now. Many of us face thoughts of how to eat next week, or what if I loose my job... and next your health begins to fail and your blood pressure begins to rise. Throughout the bible God has always seen His people through t...
Laurie Pace Fine Art Paintings, The Spirit of the Paint as the gift from our Father inspires me daily to paint and share the beauty of our world with you. Horse Paintings, Figurative Paintings, Flower Paintings, Wildlife paintings... I will fill your day and life with the Spirit of the Paint, as it drips and forms on my canvas. Contemporary Art with inspirations of the world around us. Join me here on my blog or my home website, May the Lord God Bless and Keep You in His Love.