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Showing posts with the label space
SUNRISE OVER __________ Contemporary Art Horse Palette Knife Daily Painting by Laurie Justus Pace 18 x 24 inches of THICK gorgeous color! This is SOLD. That is why I cannot complete the title above. It is a Christmas gift for one of my readers and they do not know about it. I love it. This is the best time of the year for me. SURPRISE SURPRISE TO ONE OF YOU! SOLD! WRITE ME when you open your package Christmas morning. Yesterday we woke to the sleet/snow and by mid morning we were back out heading for Fed-ex. We have one more Fed Ex trip tomorrow and I pray the packages make it on time! I sent a huge one off to Italy yesterday, and one to Santa Fe NM. Still need to send one up to the east coast and one to Georgia.... Sorry I can't divulge more on the painting above... I am way excited on this one. There are actually several kind spouses that ordered work for their husband/wife. It is thrilling to be part of this! I want shared pictures for sure. Jumping off into the thought...