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BABY MAGNOLIAS ~ Flower Art by Laurie Justus Pace

6 x 6 inches oil on Panel FRAMED! $79.00

Contemporary Art for your Holiday

This is one of my small paintings that I had framed at the Fabulous DUTCH ART GALLERY in Dallas. Priced to provide you a GREAT GIFT for someone in the upcoming holidays. This frame is a custom frame and the painting an original oil.

Yesterday we had our Fire Inspection and did fine. YEAH. We left the house at eleven and stopped in at the Lone Star for the yummiest hamburgers west of Dallas and then headed in to start working at my Father in laws house. Just as we were arriving in Dallas our Realtor phoned wanting to find me. Someone was going to look at the house and she had no idea where we were or what was going on. I was able to reach Brendan to care for the dogs and we carried on with our job.

Terry's cousin, Sandra, came to help. She and I had the kitchen cleared out in quick order and the bathrooms. We attacked the living room and den and they are almost finished as well...we were sorting out the keeping stuff and then we began loading the shiny dumpster with life memories of 50 years or more. In the midst of cleaning and clearing, a woman stopped by began collecting things for the underprivileged. She is coming back on Thursday to help with the clean out. I pray she was sent by the Lord because if she can do what she will take some of the heavy work out of our hands.

We made a fast run by my mom's with some plants for her back yard and then to Whole Foods for our daily fruit and bread. I have a huge bowl cut up to graze on today as I work. We arrived home at ten last night pretty tired. BUT today I paint! YES!!!!

We want to be there for Terry's dad that he can depend on us to carry through on this mission, but let me warn some of you not having this experience is a heavy job physically and emotionally and often difficult not to linger through the pieces of your life. Letting Go and Letting God. I prayed with Terry as he left for work, still concerned over all the work ahead. What ever is a heavy burden in your life, trust and know your Father's arms are wrapped around you and He will provide the answers. They are probably right there in front of you, but since they are NOT what you think they should be, you cannot see them. This is when my mother says, "BE STILL". You will find them.


“But take care and watch yourselves closely, so as neither to forget the things that your eyes have seen nor to let them slip from your mind all the days of your life; make them known to your children and your children’s children.”—Deuteronomy 4:9


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