NUDE TWO ~ Contemporary Art by Laurie Justus Pace
22 X 28 inches
Oil on Canvas
22 X 28 inches
Oil on Canvas

WOW, we went to the mirror and the mask exhibit at the Kimball Museum in Ft Worth. It was quite a gathering of portraits and such from some renown artists...My brother Kirk and Sister in law Leslie spurred the trip on and we ended up a Caro's. Caro's is a f a b u l o u s FABULOUS Mexican Restaurant near the TCU campus. Perhaps that is why I am up at Three a.m.! TOO Much good food. Poor Terry needs his sleep. Hopefully I will go back in and crash later this morning. Meanwhile I am keeping it WAY quiet in the house. I will be starting a new painting after watching a quiet sunset on the way home in the car...triggered some thought to paint at least.
IF you live in the Dallas area, I will be plugging the Arboretum show next weekend. I am in booth A22. BOOTH, egads, white tent, need to call Debbie and find out WHEN she is coming with the tent. I do not do tent shows. This is a major exception. I must affirm through God, abundance, wholeness and peace. He has been in charge of this one from the first email. Even cleaning out closets I found things I would need for this show...He continues to lead me, but on this specifically have I totally given it to him. Wish I could learn to do that with other things in my life!
“The inner sanctuary he prepared in the innermost part of the house, to set there the ark of the covenant of the Lord.”—1 Kings 6:19