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Showing posts with the label horse paintings

Three on the Bridge - Elle Pace Horse Paintings

© Laurie Pace        Graphics One Design 2025 Three on the Bridge Oil on Canvas  SOLD   by Laurie Pace   A short blog this morning.... Three on the Bridge was done in April of 2012... when we lived on the lake. This style of painting was quick to vanish out of Mirada Fine Art.  It is time to get busy and paint some horses I do believe! John 16:33 “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”  Much growth in thought over the past 24 months and especially the last month.  How do I know?  The tension has left the house, I am sleeping at night. I am not worried any more... all because I gave it to the Father, and made the decision to not interfere with His plans.  Relying on the Lord and keeping His word and principals are the most important focus of my life.  Shop other Available Artwork.  Sig...

Red Moon Winter Solstice - Day 9 Giveaway

© Laurie Pace        Graphics One Design 2024 Red Moon Winter Solstice Oil on Canvas  SOLD   by Laurie Pace   Day 9 Giveaway winner is MK Shipp It is cold here in Texas at night and in the early morning . We thought we were going to have a warm week, but no idea past today any more. This painting was done I think back in 2010 at my studio on the lake. We had a red winter solstice Moon... and it was beautiful... so I painted some horses I had taken photos of at our friends ranch.  2 Corinthians 12:9 " But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me ." Becoming a grandparent is wonderful. We have a 27 year old grandson we helped raise until he was six. He was our first grandchild.  He calls me "Mum" and his grandfather "Bampa".  It was life changing and especially when they live ...

Seven at Sunrise with 12 Days of Christmas Ahead

© Laurie Pace        Graphics One Design 2024 Seven at Sunrise Oil on Canvas   by Laurie Pace   Available for purchase.  It is now time to think of give-aways.  17th Annual 12 Days of Christmas Give Away Normally I do it after Christmas, the traditional 12 Days... but I am doing it from tomorrow the 13th of December through Christmas Day. You can only win once and there are only 12 winners. I have done this every year and was not going to do it and changed my mind today!  Also above is Seven at Sunrise, ready to ship for a special gift if you are still buying for the holidays. It is one of my collected Painted Ponies with my piles of paint and thick edges and build up!    Available for purchase.  We are at the edge of fall and into winter in the next few days. Felt like 26 this morning when we walked the dog! Then at lunch it was 56 and felt like 42.  It's Beginning to feel a lot like Christma...

Shalom Aleichem... Peace Be upon You

© Laurie Pace        Graphics One Design 2024 Celebrating Night to Day Mixed Media on Birch  SOLD   by Laurie Pace   Can you believe it is already 9-10 days into December?  Can you believe Christmas is 15 days or roughly two weeks from now and New Years is 21 days away? This is the second week in Advent and it is the week of Peace. Hope was the first week in advent.  I read the absolutely best explanation about the second week of advent from Bible Study Tools   and it truly has given me a path for this week. Actually for LIFE.  “‘Not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit,’ says the Lord of hosts.” (Zechariah 4:6) We all ask for peace in our lives. We wish things would settle down and some quiet could come with it. The outside world seems to be running amuck and grocery prices rise and gas cost is going up... I don't know. How does peace fit in to our lives these days? I picked up from that link above... that while Sh...

West by Northwest... wasn't that a movie with Cary Grant?

© Laurie Pace        Graphics One Design 2024 West by Northwest Oil on Canvas  SOLD   by Laurie Pace   Good morning. ..Woke with the Blues this morning, and that is not our Kerry Blues! The painting above is a favorite in my 'heart' colors of my painted ponies.  This was a large piece and was sold at Mirada Fine Art. This is the time for Holiday Commissions. Reach out to me on my website here .  Those hard days still pop up now and then . It was one this morning. I slept last night but the last three hours I was restless. I had no energy as I woke, and usually I pop right out of bed and start my day. I read a post on FB from a dear friend who lost her husband two years ago, and her words touched my heart as pain fell in tears down my face.  We are all faced with change and loss in life. In turn we are all gifted with joy and love as well. God does not ever leave us. He walks the valleys with us and He climb...

Loosing Direction and Forever Young

© Laurie Pace        Graphics One Design 2024 Loosing Direction Oil on Canvas 30 x 40 Sold from Mirada Fine Art with artist Laurie Pace   Good morning.    Finally here in Texas we GOT RAIN. Can you believe light stuff last weekend, but Mon, Tues and Wed... it rained. Our trees are going to be beautiful this fall. Usually the summer heat has them turning brown in Sept and Oct and falling without color. Cannot wait to see the beauty in another month or six weeks. Our Red Oaks always go a beautiful red!!! I have been working in the studio on a Commission painting of a longhorn. Actually have energy to paint today and felt pulled to working the surface and considering what I was doing at the same time!  Multitasking the colors and the paint on the surface. This Painting  Loosing Direction was painted a few years back but I am wanting to revisit some horses in the same approach.   Time to buy paint and canvas for...