Country Store This apple is part of a larger painting that I am working on. So in progress you might say. It is a bowl with apples, lemons, pears, avocados and some yellow squash. When you visit the local country store you can buy almost all of these for a great fruit painting. Contact me if you would like to see the final image of the painting. Laurie ©Laurie Justus Pace Graphics One Design 1998 -2011 Knowledge and Wisdom The Tree of Knowledge is part of the story from the Garden of Eden. We mostly know it as the apple tree. Eve was basically dared to taste the fruit and Adam stood by her side and never suggested it was a bad thing to do... so humankind took 'knowledge'. Some references refer to it as the Tree of Conscience, in Hebrew, .עֵץ הַדַּעַת טוֹב וָרָע In the beginning, if Adam and Eve lived in the garden without knowledge, they lived simply with all the creatures in the garden. There was no thought to hung...
Laurie Pace Fine Art Paintings, The Spirit of the Paint as the gift from our Father inspires me daily to paint and share the beauty of our world with you. Horse Paintings, Figurative Paintings, Flower Paintings, Wildlife paintings... I will fill your day and life with the Spirit of the Paint, as it drips and forms on my canvas. Contemporary Art with inspirations of the world around us. Join me here on my blog or my home website, May the Lord God Bless and Keep You in His Love.