AT ODDS ~ Abstract Contemporary Horse Art by Laurie Justus Pace
30 x 30 inches angled
Oil on Gallery Wrap Canvas
30 x 30 inches angled
Oil on Gallery Wrap Canvas

The above painting is a typical pull painting for me with a twist of an angle. It is powerful in person but may not look right on this blog. No telling. I think God is like that for sure. He is powerful but the situation may not always look right. Falls back on that trust issue again.
Boy today's is right on.
"I may not always understand the reasons that my life is unfolding as it is. I have faith, however, that events and circumstances come about for my highest good." You know, I believe this with all my heart and every fiber with in me. Very recently I experienced someone shoving this back into my face indicating my thoughts were not credible on this. That perhaps this was not solid thinking and I was but a dreamer filled with false words and hopes. Remember I wear those rose colored glasses. I believe in the Lord and the plans he has for me and for you. As I tossed and turned in bed last night with sunburn, headache etc the cutting words that were said to me left me in a hole and I struggled almost ready to give up on my art and my teaching. Upon rising and reflecting in prayer, I know that is not the answer. My journey continues and my joy is increased because I do believe and I know the Lord is here as I walk. May I give you that hope too, that what ever is happening in your life is leading to something. Wake up each morning and view the day as a new gift that the Lord has given you. It is wrapped tenderly with His love with a delicate bow of the sunrise at the top. As you pull the ribbon to release the bow, the sunrises on your day. It is time to open the box and see what he has in store. Have that same joyful anticipation as you did as child at Christmas when you could not wait to open your gifts under the tree. This day is a gift, how will you use it?
Post Note: As I crawled into studio and cranked my computer at at three thirty this morning in pretty bad shape, my email opened up with about 9 emails from a buyer in Hong Kong. She is an interior Designer that has bought three or four pieces from me. She has invited me to show in her new art gallery in Hong Kong. I am blessed for she has been a delight to work with this past year and I am hopeful of a good relationship for the future.
“If you had faith the size of a mustard seed, you could say to this mulberry tree, ‘Be uprooted and planted in the sea,’ and it would obey you.”—Luke 17:6