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Showing posts with the label Representational Abstract Horse Paintings

RED and Woven Horse Painting

© Laurie Pace        Graphics One Design 2025 RED and Woven Oil on Canvas  SOLD   by Laurie Pace   This was going to be my last painting two years ago as my mother was ill and in care... and I probably have only done maybe seven since then.  I pushed a few limits in this one wanting to maintain an abstracted feeling to it all and believe I was able to do that. I am working on flowers still on the easel.  Will be back at it after I finish this blog! Horse Paintings with a twist for sure looking back two years.  I am painting right now on some flowers, but slowly realizing times and places are changing. Are you ready in life? We lost a dear friend last weekend from our High School Class.  He will be missed by everyone that has known him in his lifetime.  Romans 6:6-7 "For we know that our old self was crucified with him so that the body ruled by sin might be done away with, that we should no longer b...

Together... we are in it together! Contemporary Colorful Horse Painting By Texas Artist Laurie Pace

   © Laurie Pace        Graphics One Design 2021 Together  by Laurie Pace - Available.   24 x 24 inches framed.  Shop Available Artwork.   Sign up for my quarterly newsletter and painting sales. “Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom.” Aristotle Painting 🖌 Was a whirl in the studio the past four days as I jumped into a canvas I had drawn off. Over the days it went from two horses to one main horse and then back to two horses and another day to this final arrival. The spirit of the paint and God’s hand in each piece allows the natural fall of colors and shapes to form what is there.  Representational Abstract at its best!  TOGETHER! 24 x 24 and framed to hang. 😍  Life Today  😉 I have to be honest with you. The past two nights have been different. One night I was up and down and only grabbed about four hours of sleep...then last night... I was asleep by 9:30 and woke up at 4 this ...