Florida Brown Longhorn, Commission Painting by Laurie Justus Pace
48 x 72 inches
Oil on Canvas
48 x 72 inches
Oil on Canvas

Well, it is almost done. Back and forth with Hilary in Florida yesterday from yellows and marigolds to tans and buttercreams...I am hoping it is dry by Christmas...but it knocked the socks off all the art moms browsing through yesterday. One of the students named it Tex! Old Tex is going to live in Florida. Hilary and I are debating on HOW to ship it. I want to let it dry and then take it off the stretchers and mail it. She would like it to stay together and is trying to figure it out how else to get it there. I was giggling when she said she would drive over to pick it up. Well it fits flat on the bottom of my truck bed, but ....not sure about an suv. Maybe a big van!
What a commotion yesterday during art class. Careflight landed at the church across the side road from us. The kids were in a tizzy with the noise. Outside we found an ambulance waiting, but we saw nothing transfer from one to the other. Over the next two hours the copter seem to go up and down out of the parking lot. This is unusual for our little town. Those careflights follow the call when it comes in for an emergency transfer. Sort of the same with God when he calls for us, or for our attention. Do you remember on the mountain when God called to Moses? Was he listening? It would not be good if Careflight did not respond to a call....what does it mean if we do not respond to God's call to us?
His grace and presence surrounds us daily. Giving thanks for the day, the coffee you are sitting there drinking...thanks for the person who made it, thanks for the sun rising or the rain falling, the bed which you probably left unmade...(mine is made) God is calling us through everything he provides for us...every single second. How are you responding?
“When the Lord saw that he had turned aside to see, God called to him out of the bush, ‘Moses, Moses!’ And he said, ‘Here I am.’”—Exodus 3:4