The Magnolias at Mema's
by Laurie Justus Pace
24 x 24 inches, Oil on Gallery Wrap Canvas
Contemporary Art for the Home
I am on the first leg of my journey pushing into the wilds of Dallas to set up at the Arboretum for the ARTSCAPE event this weekend. In the past 30 minutes I have managed to pull my back out loading my stuff in the truck, then I used my key to get into my daughter's house 10 min early and set their house alarm off. Of course I woke everyone up and here and half the neighborhood.
I told her I was coming. After getting settled inside with portions of my "Stuff" and trying to use my MAC, their Link System is of course protected. I decided it was unwise to wake them again, after all it is just five fifteen in the morning. I spotted Larry's laptop in the living room and I am pounding away on a pc. I stuck my Lexar mini drive in to post a new painting (Yes I have one, and I have been working!) and realized I picked up the wrong mini drive, so the painting I am posting is from over a year ago. I simply went back in the archives on blogger and grabbed something!
Forgive me?
I sure hope my son-in-law does. Forgiveness is something you hear about often from folks. You must forgive and forget. Problem with that is so many of us apply to everyone else but ourselves. You know in your heart when you hurt someone or something happens that YOU need forgiveness...for thoughts or actions. Maybe two things need to happen, first ask that person to forgive you and then you must forgive yourself. We seem to carry so much around with us...I know I do, of sins I have committed. And they are many I simply have not forgiven myself of and those seem to hang around my neck like a noose. Somehow I do not think that is the Lord's intention to watch us strangle ourselves. Is that noose tight around your neck? Think that one over today. Our Father hears our thoughts before we do and He knows the feelings in our heart before the next heartbeat. Will you forgive me? Will you forgive yourself?
The verse seems appropriate as I do journey on to Dallas today. I will be at my mom's borrowing my Dad's car to pick up last minute things. I have to unpack ALL paintings I had flown in from NY and layout my plans for display. Terry will meet me at the arboretum at four. Say a prayer as we set up this exhibit. It was all been in God's hands...every step of the way.
"Go in peace. The journey on which you go is under the eye of the Lord." Judges 18:6
This is a lovely painting.