CEDAR SUNRISE, Landscape Oil Painting by Laurie Justus Pace
4 x 6 x 1 inches
Oil on Gallery Wrapped Canvas, Ready to Hang when it arrives!
Contemporary Art Work
4 x 6 x 1 inches
Oil on Gallery Wrapped Canvas, Ready to Hang when it arrives!
Contemporary Art Work

Good morning Friday Sept Seventh! Phil arrived in the midst of art classes yesterday. He is a pleasant house guest and delight to sit and visit with. I truly appreciate folks that think before responding in a conversation...so much thought is behind the conversation...not just emotions clouding things. Very intelligent young man, Niki, you did a wonderful job!
Painting this morning is a small one, four by six in size on Gallery Wrapped Canvas. It is available for sale, contact me and make an offer! Think about the holidays and gifts that need to be bought. ART gives love daily in a home.
Deep reading in 1 Samuel right now. Simply amazed at things I guess I had not slowed down to read over the past fifty years. Was deeply moved by the story of Samuel and Saul when the Lord told Saul to wipe out the Amalekite tribe. (They had done bad things to the Israelites when they left Egypt. I think that is like the revenge thing.) Saul didn't exactly do that...well, he was supposed to finish them ALL off along with their livestock etc. He sort of decided he could use the livestock and kept the best of those and then killed everyone but the king...not sure what he was going to do with him. Samuel was pretty darn distressed because he had given Saul the message to DO IT ALL and Saul did not do it all. He followed PART of the instructions from God, thinking there was a better way to deal with it. (Do I read there is an issue with CONTROL in this story) Well that didn't cut it with the Lord and Saul lost his job as the Leader/King of the Israelites. It grieved Samuel tremendously as it did the Lord to have Saul disobey.
Really made me think. Falls into category those little white lies we all tell, or how we are all SOO good at justification of things and rationalizing things to fit our situation and need. My hand goes up guilty of that...for what ever reasons, even some of them I think are for the sake of feelings of others...but again that is not acceptable. I told Terry it felt like there was only BLACK and WHITE....no gray. With our faith in God and our trust it has to be this way. God's love is available to us if we believe. NO gray areas there...just believe.
Read my verse from Psalms today....there is no gray area here either.
“Those who love me, I will deliver; I will protect those who know my name.”—Psalm 91:14