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Showing posts with the label resolutions

A Season of Hope, A Season of Prayer by Texas Artist Laurie Pace, Life After Sixty

   © Laurie Pace        Graphics One Design 2020 Life After Sixty: A Season of Hope. A Season of Prayer.  by Texas Artist Laurie Pace Visit to see available artwork.   “Prayer is not asking. Prayer is putting oneself in the hands of God, at His disposition, and listening to His voice in the depth of our hearts. ” ― Mother Teresa We are coming upon the start of Advent of the Christmas Season. on the 29th of November is the first Sunday of Advent.  In preparation of a healthier mindset, I have decided to steer pretty clear of engaging in anything but this season of Hope and Prayer.   Yesterday I woke up early.  Sunday mornings I would rather sleep in a bit past 5 am! I decided to grab my ipad and listen to Pastor Morris' message from Saturday Church at Gateway, Southlake, Texas.  I do believe his sermon was meant to stir us into preparing our heart for what was ahead, bot...
PONY UP no. 3 Contemporary Art Daily Painting Horse Art by Laurie Justus Pace 24 x 24 x 2 inches Acrylic on Canvas SOLD With the new year I know resolutions and decisions are made to develop new habits and toss out old ones. Unfortunately many go by the wayside before the last day of January. Heck, mine didn't make it past last night. We took Mom out to eat at the Magianno's where Morgan works. We had one of the best booths in the room, and him waiting on us. The head chef came out and introduced himself and then allow us to just tell him what we wanted. How many restaurants will do this? Mom and I both ordered tilapia. She had hers over spinach; although I love spinach, it gives me kidney stones... I had grilled squash with mine. Both dishes had a lemon butter wine sauce that was dreamy and smooth and very tasty. Terry didn't get to choose. The Chef informed him Morgan had chosen his food already. We sat in quiet anticipation as Morgan brought our salads. Mom and I...