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Showing posts with the label sunflower painting

Sunflower Trio Painting by Laurie Pace

© Laurie Pace        Graphics One Design 2025 SUNFLOWER TRIO 24 x 36 Oil on Canvas  SOLD   by Laurie Pace   Sunflower trio is from early summer photos here in Texas. The Texas heat tends to sap them as the summer hits July and August. When we would be driving home from Dallas into the country where we live, the highways were not the massive ones of today. Sunflowers grew randomly throughout the land near the road. These were lush!! Painting these sunflowers were actually bringing praise to God on the canvas as I worked.  "The Spirit of the Paint" from Him to my heart and brush.  Philippians 4:8 " Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things."  You are not only what you eat, but you are what you think and do, influenced by your friends interact...

Sunflower Explosion Painting by Texas Artist Laurie Pace

      © G.O.D. Laurie Justus Pace      Graphics One Design 2012 Sunflowers Available at Dutch Art Gallery Contact Pam  Words of my Heart, He made the moon to mark the seasons,     and the sun knows when to go down. Psalms 104:19 As the days of fall bring cooler temperatures, we know we will see the end to the blooming of our Texas Lantana bushes. Their appearance in early spring brings life back to our yard and the colors stay only until the first freeze. READ MORE HERE. My Blog     My Website       Giclees on Canvas, Prints and Cards        The Five Graces      The Artists of Texas        Daily Painters     Artists of Texas Blog      Daily Painters of Texas Blog     GALLERY LINKS Mirad...

Sunflower Painting, Sunflower Patch by Texas Artist Laurie Pace

Sunflower Patch JUST decided to make this a give away. Email me if you want it!  First email gets it.  LEAVING FOR VA BEACH. THANKS. SOLD Laurie 9 x 12 inches Oil on Canvas Board     ©Laurie Pace    Graphics One Design 1998-2011   Contact me for your own commissioned painting or to purchase this piece: Laurie      Naming the Father I found myself 'calling' or 'naming God' when I pray and talk to Him .  He is God the Father; He is God the Healer; He is God the Counselor; He is God the Wise Man; He is God the Comforter.   Got it?  When I need comfort I call out to Him in His great kindness and wisdom to bring to me that which I need to feel safe. He is the great Protector.  His infinite unconditional love for me will provide what I need because I know He has the power to do so. Here is the next part of Psalm 86.... David's intimate cry to God. Psalm 86:6-10 6 Hear my prayer, LORD;   ...

Glazed Sunflowers Painting by Texas Artist Laurie Pace

Glazed Sunflowers 6 by 6 inches Acrylic Glazing in layers.       ©Laurie Pace Graphics One Design 1998-2011   Glazed and Dazed After writing about shutting everything down yesterday morning, the day found our phones out as well as our internet.  I laughed to myself and knew God was chuckling as well.   The phones would work if someone called in, but would not work if we wanted to call out.  Our internet was down as well. As our little box kept trying to 'call' out to connect... it could not do it.  I thought my grandson was going to melt down.  We all thought he broke it when he was in here pushing buttons. Boy did we all kid him about it. Finally we reached the phone company using my dependable VERIZON phone and listened to the sad recording that the lines had been tampered with and cut. About a month ago it happened and it was due to teenagers stealing the copper and it knocked out phone lines and everything.  I am su...

Sunflower on my Table, Flower Sunflower Painting by Texas Artist Laurie Pace, Spread the Joy

'Sunflowers on My Table' 9 x 12  Oil on Canvas Contact me to purchase by check or paypal. Laurie     © Laurie Justus Pace     Graphics One Design 2011 My Blog My Website       Giclees on Canvas, Prints and Cards Well when I went to bed last night it was still snowing. I know we have over a foot on the ground and we were not suppose to even have an inch.  Go figure.  Tonight is the formal Charity Ball in Mt Pleasant for Cypress Basin Hospice .  I am hoping it warms up enough to start melting the snow so we can drive there!  This will be revealed in a few hours I am sure. I spoke with Selah Ranch yesterday and I am going to delay my workshop until May. I will have a confirmed date and syllabus out in about 7-10 days.  I am working in God's time with this. They had suggested I do it the first of April, but I never felt confident with that date. May feels better to me. Selah Ranch is an ...

Sunflower Oil Paintings, Commissioned flower paintings, Texas Artist Laurie Pace

'Evening Sunflowers' 24 x 18  Oil on Canvas SOLD COMMISSION PAINTING IN PROGRESS Contact me for commissioned work. Laurie     © Laurie Justus Pace     Graphics One Design 2010 My Blog My Website     I did begin a painting today.  This is one of two sunflower pieces for a new collector in D.C.  You can watch it's progress. I promised a lesson here or there... so this one is a writing lesson. Artists must have imagination and feeling in order to create... so choose one of these and really write about it.  You can send it to me to post if you are brave! 1.  You are an eraser on the top of a pencil.  The third grader that has you in his hand is taking a math test.  Tell me about your next ten minutes.... as he removes you from his pencil bag all the way until the test is finished. 2. You are a blade of grass... it is early morning and the sun is just up. Describe how you feel...and then describe more ...