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Showing posts with the label Horse equine western art painting
Different as Night and Day No.26 Contemporary Art Horse Equine Painting by Laurie Justus Pace 6 x 6 inches Oil on Linen Canvas $100 SOLD Contact me for commission work: Laurie "He has done everything well!" Mark 7:34 Why do Wednesday's always seem so crunched? It used to be just a work day, but then I added music students and that means lesson prep on Wednesday. Toss in regular unpredictable stuff and I get into a tizzy on Wednesdays as I feel that I fall behind before I even start my work week. Today is finishing up mailing out packages, wrapping and boxing several by myself. UGH. Painting a commission that HAS to be done pressure, going with mom to her hair appt as she is still in a sling thing for three more weeks, no driving yet, making sure there is dinner for TP and I and of course that daily thing of wash and cleaning up just a bit. Add the hour of music prep and an hour and a half of lessons, oh and don't forget walking and some exercise fo...