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Showing posts with the label Philippians 4:13

Spring Evening Dahlia and First Communion

© Laurie Pace        Graphics One Design 2025 Spring Evening Dahlia Oil on Canvas  SOLD   by Laurie Pace   Glancing back with this Spring Dahlia painting created in 2011. Right now I have a new gathering of colorful Dahlias and Begonias to plant in pots outside my studio window this weekend. Still cold today, but spring is upon us in a few more days with decent 65-80 degrees each day.   Philippians 4:13 "I can do all things through Him that strengthens me. "   For some reason this morning I woke with the feeling of freedom.  Feels really odd but wonderful!!!  With this is the relaxation of my mind and taking time to 'feel' and 'take in' the good things and God has provided many. It is often too easy to feel pressured or worried and keeping that uneasiness going for weeks at a time. I truly cannot remember the last time I felt this free. This is empowered by my faith. Obviously I have been living the last two years in a...

I can do all things through Him....

© Laurie Pace        Graphics One Design 2025 Painted Ponies Spring Oil on Canvas  SOLD   by Laurie Pace    Philippians 4:13 - I can do all things through him who gives me strength. Good morning. ..  We have just a few hours before COLD arrives again here in North Texas. By Wed temps will be below freezing at night and close to zero or below for a 'feels like'.  We have loaded the bird feeders and will keep an eye on them. We had close to fifty birds earlier snacking away at our full feeders. Cardinals, Robins, and a red breasted small bird I need to look up... also doves and few tiny black baby birds.  The painting today is one from 2014 I believe... With the well known marked of color and light making this more of an evening herd than a morning herd. These are my known Painted ponies... aka the pulled paint that makes them special, my abstract horse paintings!  We are special to God. He has a pur...

Snowfall - Day 8 Giveaway.

© Laurie Pace        Graphics One Design 2024 Snow Fall Oil on Canvas  SOLD   by Laurie Pace   Day 8 Winner is K. May... Congrats!!! Friday... . .. Not many more days til Christmas. We are not ready. It is hard to prepare for this season when you have lost a grandchild over the year.  Last year it was without my mother, this year seems a lot harder.  Reach out to friends and check up on them. Most folks tend to keep their head down and walk through life often without being noticed. Many people are truly hurting deeply in their hearts, and especially if they do not have the Lord God to walk with them through these times. Jesus is here.  One of the 'songs' I taught every single grandchild, became a mantra with me over the last four months.   "My God is so big, so strong and so mighty, there's nothing my God cannot do .The Mountains are His, the Rivers are His, the stars are His wonderment too... " Seriously I do not...

Snow or Sun? Memories of winter when you cannot race the sun.

© Laurie Pace        Graphics One Design 2024 Racing the Sun Oil on Canvas  SOLD   by Laurie Pace   First things first.  Day 5 Winner is S Wilson Congrats!!! Do you remember   racing home from a friends house, running as fast as you could? It gets more exciting when others are racing with you to see who gets to your front porch first! It is especially fun in the snow and I believe there is snow on the ground in this painting.  I painted this when my studio overlooked the waters of Lake Cypress Springs, and we had a three or four acre cat fish pond in our backyard. East Texas trees soared all around our home.  My studio had six windows and a glass door leading out to the deck and the trees. Often we could watch the dear scamper across the land dam between the lake and the pond while snow flakes floated through the air. Here was our home.  We had bird feeders everywhere, passion vines growing in the ...