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Showing posts with the label Fauvism
Dallas at Sunset ~ Fauvistic Landscape by Laurie Justus Pace 24 x 36 inches Oil on Canvas Contemporary Commissions for your home! SOLD I am sitting at my computer surrounded by boxes. Walls of boxes. The best part is we are here. The worst part is we are in a jumbled mess. This painting was a commission piece I did for an NBC Producer this summer for her home in Dallas. She wanted White Rock Lake and the Dallas Sky line... painted in July this year. I have an issue when folks simply cannot do their job. With this move and this mess I have experienced ONLY this. I know God is laughing his sides off in heaven. Now the floor men have an excuse. We hired them late to get the mahagony wood floors left. It was suppose to be done in two days. We are on day five this afternoon. The master bedroom we asked Terry's uncle to paint for us so I could have ONE settled unpacked room and this is day four today and he hasn't started yet. He has been busy all over the house caulking and...