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Showing posts from May, 2008
MOTHER AND CHILD THREE Horse Oil Painting by Laurie Justus Pace 24 x 24 inches Commission Painting SOLD What is harmony? I know as an artist I strive for harmony in every painting I work on. Seeking a balance of color, line, space and shape, bringing into perfect harmonious pitch the blending of each of these elements. There are times I work a painting and it just doesn't work. Usually I attribute this to me being too much in control and not allow the spirit with in to carry the movement. Whether it be a realistic painting of a still life or a free handed abstract, it is essential for me to let go and not control but to paint what is seen or felt with out the distraction of owning the brush. I think this applies to life as well. In our stressful schedules we run around like a chicken with our head cut off, visiting scenarios in our head, trying to figure out where we need to be next and what would be the best option to get everything done that has to be done by a certain time,...
GHOST MOUNTAIN Horse Oil Painting by Laurie Justus Pace 18 x 27 inches SOLD and on it's way to Ireland! Thank you for supporting Daily Painters! A long day ahead and it has just begun. Every day seems to bring new challenges and new confrontations and joyful moments. I know when I laid in bed last night I was exhausted physically and mentally. The Red Tree Gallery in Atascadero has an opening tonight for Ronald Ray Rogers . If you are in the area go by and see the works of this magnificent painter. His works share the glory! Wendy Rogers is the gallery owner and she is delightful to work with should you fall in love with some of Ron's work via the internet. The Lord offers to us replenishment. Letting down the guard you have had up all day and allowing His energy to calmly flow through your body is His way to heal us. In this world you give too much of your self everyday and you need to replenish through prayer and contemplation on the presence of God within you. Prai...
Elegance Horse Art by Laurie Justus Pace 9 x 12 on Linen Panel Contact me to purchase or commission a painting. Laurie Deep breath and start running! The House Painters finished up painting the outside of the house late afternoon yesterday. YEAH! They pulled all the heavy plastic that was covering the windows and I am no longer living in a bubble! Today they will be in the house working in the garden room repainting that area. Also had the window men here yesterday replacing windows that were installed incorrectly last week...well they put in the wrong windows. They have to come back next week to finish it as the wrong color insets were sent. Murphy's Law, right?? Murphy was obviously a man of great faith to survive it all! I am writing on team work today. That could apply to families, friendships, working groups for pay or with out pay. In life we have to find a common ground to get along. When there is a team there is always a mixture of personalities. Yes, this applie...
THE COURTING DANCE Horse Oil Painting by Laurie Justus Pace 24 x 24 inches SOLD I am relaxed this morning and not so tense for a change! Sometime last night between dinner and bed a genuine feeling of ease filled my body and mind. I am going to have breakfast and begin painting this morning and truly looking forward to my alone time in the studio. Rest today in the knowledge that God is the total source of serenity. Your world has been filled with challenges of rising food costs, gas expenses, and life in general. This probably tends to bring a feeling of discouragement. Letting go of the struggle to allow the peace of God to fill your life in this very moment. Be at peace my friend. Grace, Laurie "The God of Peace be with all of you." Romans 15:33
Gathering Apples, Girl and Goat by Laurie Justus Pace Oil on Canvas 18 x 24 inches SOLD Contact me to commission your own Girl and Goat in my internationally collected series. Laurie This painting is a sharing moment between a child and her goat. It is a series I began two years ago and I only paint one or two a year. This was a commissioned piece for a collector in D.C. Sharing is a word I will pick up on today. Many time during the day we are called upon to share with others. This usually brings to mind sharing of concrete items, like a cup of sugar, sharing of toys for playing, sharing food with family etc. As you reflect on the day or even yesterday, it is time to share with the Lord and let Him know exactly how you are. Tell Him how you feel and share openly with Him the desires of your heart and the pain that takes away your joy. God shares with us daily in many ways. When you share back with Him, give appreciation for what He shares with you. This is His gift to us, no...
Elements Earth, Wind and Fire Horse Oil Painting by Laurie Justus Pace 30 x 40 x 2 on Canvas Contact me to purchase and include the painting name. Laurie It was a beautiful relaxing day yesterday. We so enjoyed a huge lunch with all the kids and my parents. Here are two of Terry and I and one of my parents. They are always so cute. Our children ordered Terry and I an Italian Margarita and my mom tasted it and had to have one. So she and dad shared one. Terry and I before the feast. Mom and Dad and their margarita. Anniversaries make me reflect back over the years. I have known Terry since age 11. At age 11, I could not have even begun to know what was God's plan in my life and his life. We never know the true purpose that God created us. His plan existed before we did. We are here at this time for a reason for His plan. We each have a purpose and our lives entangle with others here on earth. You can never be sure in what moment your actions or words affect the ...
THE CONDUCTOR By Laurie Justus Pace 3 ft by 4 ft Oil on Canvas SOLD Today is a celebrated day in our family. This is our wedding anniversary. I was eleven when I threw a note in study hall over his shoulder. It was the beginning of a lifelong romance. He didn't think the note was for him and passed it to the girl in front of him. Eventually he got it. Guys are slow at that age. We had a fairy tale romance through junior high and parts of high school. But when I said I wanted thirteen children, he sort of disappeared in shock. Our best friends today are the same best friends we had growing up. Life long friendships of trust and love. This morning I woke to beautiful vases of roses through out the house. We have not had breakfast yet, but I will whip up something special to start the day. I hurried in here to blog first. After we graduated it would be nine years before we saw each other again and another nine before we dated and married. Always timed in with the high school reun...
Inspired One Time by Laurie Justus Pace 8 x 10 inches Oil on Linen Panel Contact me for pricing. Laurie HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO SISTER IN LAW LESLIE AND TO MY NEIGHBOR JO! They shared the same birthday last week... a special day to celebrate life and the gifts they bring into our lives. Henri Lebasque painted this first in the 1800's. I repositioned my woman in the chair a bit and pulled her one leg up and placed the chair on the surface a bit differently. I fell totally in love with the colors and had to paint it. I think I am going to frame it for my own because of the colors. Yesterday was a maddening day as Julie from Guidry Designs came by to pick up the first of the work completed this week. It went to the framers at the Dutch Art Gallery in Dallas for framing. Julie will be placing the work into homes in the Highland Park area that she stages for Realtors. Today I will finish up two matching 5 x 6 ft pieces...HORSES! Then I will take a break for our anniversary....and next ...
Portrait in Turquoise by Laurie Justus Pace 18 x 24 inches Oil on Canvas SOLD Today will be busy. I feel a bit frantic. The painters are suppose to paint the house today, but it is NOT sanded properly and the repairs to the wood are not correct. I shoved the phone number of the contractor in Terry's hands to call them at eight this morning. I have paintings to finish up for my client today along with a Fire Inspection. One of the Dallas Fire Marshals will be out to give me a fix it list I am sure. I left Terry in charge of the list but I have not had time to go behind him to see if it is all right. I am hoping they do not care if the house is dusty and needing scrubbing as I have been studio bound all week. I was reading about escaping from darkness this morning. It is written in a different angle than I wrote about earlier this week. In seeking peace and joy you have to escape from darkness. Define darkness as a lack of light just as sin is a lack of love. (Often it is a l...
Paris, Open Cafe in the Rain by Laurie Justus Pace 4 ft by 12 ft SOLD I am one TIRED artist today. These are not even the final shots. It was late late last night when I finished up the faces of each character and that is not shown in any shots. These are shots Terry took While I was working. Scramble Monet and Renoir into this Paris Rainy Night Cafe with strollers under umbrellas in the background. A weary waiter is my favorite part of the canvas. May have to do one JUST of him. Today I will be working on a 3 ft by 4 ft Conductor from the symphony. Muted tones so I hope not to fall asleep. Starter Bread. Have any of you gotten any of the FRIENDSHIP STARTER BREAD lately? I had not had any since Dec of 1998. I was thrilled to get a bag yesterday. In ten days I will have mini starters that I can share and from those grow even more. So if you have a hankering to have some of that great bread, email me. I will fedex it overnight in the starter bag and we will get this rolling. We s...
THE QUILT by Laurie Justus Pace 3ft by 4 ft Oil on Canvas SOLD Had to post before I started working. I have a 12 ft canvas on my easel. TWELVE FEET. I will take pictures today. Other than an errand with my mom mid morning I will literally be painting on this one all day with FAST DRY impasto added to the oils. This has to hang this weekend in a home. I love God's sense of humor. Meanwhile please keep me on prayer today.... as I take this on. I am pretty calm at the moment pulling in the spirit and the power of the Lord. He has to be heavy in hand as I take on this project. Believe you can be successful in what you do today too! God gives us the gifts and the desire to go forth. It is His spiritual vision that guides us toward our greater goal. With Him you can be successful in all endeavors. The above painting is for the same client. I will be doing several over the next five days. Grace, Laurie "But we must always give thanks to God for you, brothers and sisters belo...
Talking It Over Horse Art by Laurie Justus Pace SOLD Thank you! Talking it over is a good place to start. I know we all have squirrels living in our head that keep all the cages roll as they go in circles. I try repeatedly to rid myself of the squirrels. Then Hamsters moved in after I turned fifty. They don't run as fast as the squirrels but they never stop to rest either. During the day we are faced with so many things to absorb into our minds and our lives. Our society today is basically in high gear. Between the media, the traffic, the stores, the constant congestion, we can't hear any more and that means we can't talk any more. When decisions need to be made and thoughts need to be examined the squirrels and hamsters take up their trot in our heads as we begin to justify different scenarios floating through our thoughts. With age I have decided this is where I do get rid of the hamsters and squirrels. Stop thinking, begin with a simple prayer and then listen. ...
NIGHT CROSSING Horse Oil Painting by Laurie Justus Pace 24 x 24 inches Oil on Canvas Contact me for pricing. Laurie Last night was our first block party of the summer. So many wonderful families live on our street. Many of the original couples still live here and the younger families fill our hearts and lives with their laughter and play. I hope you enjoy the slides. No Terry and I are not in them, we took the pictures! We had such a great time meeting everyone. We are the new kids on the block. Today before you are unlimited possibilities in your life and in the lives of those around you. The beauty within you is the brightest beauty of the Lord shining through. Light the way today for others to feel the grace of the Lord. Grace, Laurie “But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere. Peacemakers who sow in peace raise a harvest of righteousness." James 3:17-18
Seven Cows Farm Animals by Laurie Justus Pace 15 x 30 inches Oil on Canvas Contact me to purchase and include the name of the painting. Laurie Sunday morning found Terry and I sitting out under our huge trees in the back yard. I was counting redbirds, woodpeckers, mockingbirds, sparrows, bluejays etc. The sun was just breaking through the trees and we have a huge canopy of three trees sheltering the yard. It is gorgeous. The house painters will be here tomorrow to start prepping the house for paint. YEAH! After the house is painted we will take new pictures. The last project will be our shower. August Rush. Have you seen the movie? Morgan bought it for me for Mother's Day. I had not watched it and he was over yesterday working on a commission painting. I was sitting out in the yard reading my book. After he was done he said, MOM, you are coming with me. He took me into the living room and popped the movie in. I was fed chicken soup with cheese on top, crackers and white...
TREES By Laurie Justus Pace 11 x 14 Oil on Linen Board Contact me to purchase and mention title of the painting! Laurie Becoming....Did you ever reflect on the word becoming? I received this photo from a young artist that wanted one of my paintings and her parents bought it for her. The photo was accompanied by : Gracie, age 9, loves Pablo Picasso, Henri Matisse and now, Laurie Pace. She is so excited to own an original piece of art and hopes to add more in the future. Much like her favorite paintings by Picasso and Matisse, Gracie loves the bold bright colors in "Can't see the forest because of the trees". Thanks, Laurie, for fueling her enthusiasm! Becoming. It is such a fruitful word full of hope. Reminds me of caterpillars cocooning to become butterflies, or of cookie dough becoming soft chewy cookies. Becoming. To a young child it fills their heart with dreams of what is to be. What can be accomplished and had in their life. They are so tantalized by t.v. and ...
FACING THE SUN Sunflower Oil Painting by Laurie Justus Pace 11 x 14 on Linen Panel SOLD ON DAILY PAINTERS THANK YOU Short blog for sure this morning! Can you tell me difference between Happiness and Joy? Happiness seems to be the thing we search for our entire lives. My grandmother was the one that told me it came from within and especially when you do for others. I remember as a young teenager sitting with her in my room when she shared this with me. Everything seems so traumatic at that I thought. It is 100 fold at this age. What I have discovered at this age is that Joy is a far deeper richer feeling than happiness. Joy can be felt even in the darkest moment when you are buried in the deepest of problems. Happiness is temporary because it is based on external circumstance, but Joy... Joy my friend, is based on God's presence with in each of us. Contentment is found with in you and it is there but you are usually too busy chasing happiness to know Joy is with in y...
CLIMBING ROSES 8 x 10 on Linen Panel Contact me for pricing. Please mention the title of the painting. Laurie Finally the rain has let up. Yesterday Morgan and made a dash in it to the grocery store. YUMMM. I love fruit from Whole Foods. I have 8 bags that I use for the large hauls. Some were bought from Whole Foods in other states and it is cool to use them each week bringing back memories of those trips. I use smaller cloth cotton net bags for my fruit. They are a .09 rating for weight and I always make sure the cashier removes their weight from the scale. You can see in the sink I have a white bowl that I use veggie scrub in and we literally scrub or gently wash the fruit and veggies removing all labels before putting them in the refrigerator. I miss living in the country with my garden, but organic fruits and veggies to us are worth the price. Today we will be cleaning and shuffling the last of the mess here to prepare for the health inspection tomorrow as we finish up our las...
WHITE IRIS 8 x 10 on Linen Panel Contact me to purchase, mention the name of the painting please! Laurie SOLD on Daily Painters! Thank you. I am late this morning blogging. I had work issues to handle before I could start my day. This is a delicate painting I did yesterday. Very soft and very sweet! Someone in your life is sitting in darkness. Someone in your life is trying to shield his eyes from the light. Someone in your life is trying to find the light. Today is the day you can reach out to them, extending your hand to guide them into the light. We are unable to physically pull any one from the dark. The journey must be theirs with the Lord. We are there to encourage and love unconditionally. Give what you can today. Light a life with your love. Grace, Laurie "Feed the hungry and help those in trouble. Then your light will shine out from the darkness and the darkness around you will be as bright as day." Isaiah 58:10
FILLY IN BLUE Horse Painting by Laurie Justus Pace 24 x 36 inches of Oil on Canvas Contact me for pricing and mention the title of the painting. Laurie Yes, I was up too early this morning ( four a.m.). Terry took off Mother's Day and is working for someone else today. Life at American Airlines...go figure. Still trying to digest FURP. Families Under Reduced Pay. Pilots, Mechanics, Flight Attendants...matters not...we are all FURP. Mechanics were making $55,000 in the early nineties. Just before 911 we had been on a wage freeze for 10 years...and FINALLY saw a raise in pay of about $20,000 a year that brought us into reality for all the cost of living raised over the prior ten years of our salary freeze. (Yes it was cold) Finally we could breath and not take the calculator to the store every time we grocery shopped. We had kids in college and a house note to pay. We had this wonderful increase for about 18 months. WHAM... the company was failing... all of us took cuts; ...
BALANCED Nude Oil Painting by Laurie Justus Pace 24 x 36 inches Contact me for pricing and include the name of the painting. Laurie Balanced is a good place to start the week. The window installers will be here today to begin windows. We are only doing 1/3 of the house but the major part that is important with large glass windows on the west side of the house and two huge 8 ft sliding glass doors that are non functional because they are broken. AFTER I will not know how to act!!! Finding Balance in you life is an important thing. How does a busy woman balance church, home, work, children, a husband, meetings, hobbies etc.? I believe in my heart it is much more than time management. I believe it is in centering and balancing yourself. My dear husband always says to Keep the Lord in the center. He visions in his head a circle and God is in the center of this circle. Everything else is circling in orbit around God in the center. The balance of everything is always chang...
My Mother Portraiture by Laurie Justus Pace SOLD Private Collection of Artist Contact me for portrait work. Laurie This was painted about ten years ago... I never finished it and I think I will. It truly looks just like my mom. The tribute below was written in 1979 for my mother for a Mother's Day Banquet at her church. I lived out of town and had two small children and could not make it up for the Friday night banquet. I sent flowers and had my best friend Candy read this to my mother at the dinner that night. A Tribute to Mother To paint upon a canvas the glory of life, the total of love, the beauty of earth... One could close your eyes and imagine never ending fields of brightly colored wild flowers, cool meadows surrounded by the quiet of a shade trees with echoes of drops from a nearby waterfall. In the distance you can both hear and smell the sounds of a cool rain on the horizon and anticipate the sunrise of a new day. One could imagine endless pictures of the beauty of na...
SPRING FLOWERS for Mothers' Day Floral Oil Painting by Laurie Justus Pace 30 x 30 inches Contact me to purchase, please mention the title of the painting. Laurie Here is the size in a frame with a couch... it is a large oil painting. Size in this picture is not perfectly to scale. The painting is 30 x 30 inches. Yesterday was the LONGEST day. I literally worked from 5 a.m. until eleven last night and fell into bed. Terry got home just after midnight and here it is five forty two and I am blogging this morning. Not sure how intelligent the blog will be. Friday coming up next week is our CPS inspection. We were certified and ready to go at our last home in Justin last November and we moved. With the house in the situation it has been in, we could not redo all of our stuff until now. We still have much to do to meet the standards for the health inspection. I will paint this morning and then work on inside stuff this afternoon. Terry will be left with finishing walls where the...
IN MORNING LIGHT Contemporary Horse Oil Painting by Laurie Justus Pace 30 x 30 inches Contact me to purchase and mention name of the painting. Laurie This painting is still available. The previous offer has turned into a 48 x 48 inch commission piece, so if you are interested in this painting, it is still available. This morning I had an email from a young mother of two autistic children. Many of you know my eldest grandson died a year ago in February and he was gifted with autism. His gift taught all of us so much about life. His short time here on earth made his journey into our hearts even more important. You never know how much time you have with those you someone today and let them know you care! MEANWHILE.... I am so good at sidetracking, back to the email. The mom seemed a bit down with all that was on her plate. She was pulled to my work through Color. I have told you many times in my blog, color is an addiction problem for me. She used those same words and I ...
PEACE IN THE FOREST Landscape Art by Laurie Justus Pace 24 x 36 inches of Oil on Canvas Contact me for pricing and mention the title of the painting. Laurie Behind before the day starts! It is almost seven and I am not even ready to paint. Am waiting to get there though! This is a painting that has been in my heart for a while and yesterday I was finally able to get it to the canvas. It is a bit different, but Sometimes you have to take a chance and explore other things in life. This weekend is the Chili cookoff with our Sunday School Class. Terry is making his personal chili that is always good. I am trekking off trying something out of the box. Hawaiian Chili. The folks as Whole Foods laughed at me. Chili does not come from Hawaii. I know that, but I wanted different flavors and decided in the beginning I wanted to use Ginger and Pineapple in my chili and began researching recipes to blend with my recipe. Mine does have Chicken in it, which seems really different, so we will ...
Horse Play Horse Oil Painting by Laurie Justus Pace 22 x 28 inches SOLD Okay, so I got up on the wrong side of the bed this morning. I am extremely grouchy. Funny because this is way NOT the norm for me. We had birthday dinner with Morgan and Hillary last night. Morgan fixed a scrumptious dinner for Hillary's birthday and we ate until we were overstuffed! Chocolate birthday cake with ice cream finished it off. Terry and I drove home and once in bed fell into a deep slumber...and then... BAM. I woke startled and disoriented... He ran into the wall on his way to the bathroom at 3 a.m. I surfaced enough to realized I had a pounding headache and as I rolled over he hit the main light switch in the room trying to turn on the fan. That was even more painful. He finally landed in bed like a flip flopping fish and then reached up to pull on the fan cord to speed the fan up and ONE MORE TIME turned on the room light. I was groaning by then. Normally I am a good sport about things...
THE EDGE Horse Oil Painting by Laurie Justus Pace 24 x 24 inches Oil on Canvas SOLD There is a massive thunderstorm hitting in about fifteen minutes, so my fingers are flying through the blog. In the electrical storms I always turn the computer off for safety. God has a safety way for all of us too. We constantly seem to put ourselves in danger despite our knowledge. Having knowledge does not always lead to good choices. He is always there not matter how we try and foul up our lives. My son always said, "Mama, I try to be good." Do you remember those days?? Grace, Laurie “Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective.”- James 5:16