8 x 10 on Linen Panel
Contact me for pricing. Please mention the title of the painting. Laurie
8 x 10 on Linen Panel
Contact me for pricing. Please mention the title of the painting. Laurie

Finally the rain has let up. Yesterday Morgan and made a dash in it to the grocery store.
YUMMM. I love fruit from Whole Foods.

I have 8 bags that I use for the large hauls. Some were bought from Whole Foods in other states and it is cool to use them each week bringing back memories of those trips. I use smaller cloth cotton net bags for my fruit. They are a .09 rating for weight and I always make sure the cashier removes their weight from the scale.

You can see in the sink I have a white bowl that I use veggie scrub in and we literally scrub or gently wash the fruit and veggies removing all labels before putting them in the refrigerator. I miss living in the country with my garden, but organic fruits and veggies to us are worth the price.

Today we will be cleaning and shuffling the last of the mess here to prepare for the health inspection tomorrow as we finish up our last inspections for CPS certification for our home.
Giving in Life is something I touched on yesterday on lighting the dark for someone. Serving others is another important point in life. Matthew writes of Jesus teaching others of serving when a woman came to him and ask if her two sons could sit next to Jesus in his kingdom. His reply was, "You do not know what you are asking! Are you able to drink from the bitter cup of sorrow I am about to drink?" The story continues as he tells the woman that only God chooses those who will sit on thrones next to him. All his disciples were upset by the story but he told them "who ever wants to be first must become your slave. For even I, the Son of Man came here not to be served, but to serve others, and to give my life as a ransom for many." (Matthew 20:20-28)
This sort of stopped me in my tracks. We are all into less pain and suffering in our own lives. We pray for it daily. So, it was not the serving others part that made me reflect, but the drinking of the bitter cup that Jesus drank experience the hatred and persecution he suffered. He was brought down mentally and physically. My mind reels with thoughts. Could you handle it and still proclaim to love the Lord your God? How deep is your faith? Could you share the bitter cup with Jesus and still have your heart open to what the Lord offers?
"But many who are first will be last, and many who are last will be first." Matthew 19:30