Horse Art by Laurie Justus Pace
9 x 12 on Linen Panel
Contact me to purchase or commission a painting. Laurie
Horse Art by Laurie Justus Pace
9 x 12 on Linen Panel
Contact me to purchase or commission a painting. Laurie

Deep breath and start running! The House Painters finished up painting the outside of the house late afternoon yesterday. YEAH! They pulled all the heavy plastic that was covering the windows and I am no longer living in a bubble! Today they will be in the house working in the garden room repainting that area. Also had the window men here yesterday replacing windows that were installed incorrectly last week...well they put in the wrong windows. They have to come back next week to finish it as the wrong color insets were sent. Murphy's Law, right??
Murphy was obviously a man of great faith to survive it all!
I am writing on team work today. That could apply to families, friendships, working groups for pay or with out pay. In life we have to find a common ground to get along. When there is a team there is always a mixture of personalities. Yes, this applies to families too. No one thinks the same, no one shares the same background and experiences. Isn't God wonderful to bring us all together? Now we have to learn to let go and listen with respect to all the views and input from each person. Working in harmony we are able to reach higher than if we did it alone. God did not plan for us to be ALONE. Every person is filled with a lifetime of input to share and we have to work our way around difference in personalities or opinions.
I have the blessing of working with six members of Daily Painters on our advertising. The artists I work with are all incredibly talented not just in their painting, but in their creative ideas for the ads. I have to sit back in amazement as ideas come across my computer screen!
In American Art Collectors current edition DP has a huge spread of several pages near the back. This magazine is amazing so if you are somewhere that carries it, look up the ads from the DP's. I give thanks to the great committee I serve on and to Micah our leader!
"Now there are varieties of gifts, but the same Spirit; and there are varieties of services, but the same Lord; and there are varieties of activities, but it is the same God who activates all of them in everyone." 2 Corinthians 12:4-6