Landscape Art by Laurie Justus Pace
24 x 36 inches of Oil on Canvas
Contact me for pricing and mention the title of the painting. Laurie
Landscape Art by Laurie Justus Pace
24 x 36 inches of Oil on Canvas
Contact me for pricing and mention the title of the painting. Laurie

Behind before the day starts! It is almost seven and I am not even ready to paint. Am waiting to get there though! This is a painting that has been in my heart for a while and yesterday I was finally able to get it to the canvas. It is a bit different, but Sometimes you have to take a chance and explore other things in life.
This weekend is the Chili cookoff with our Sunday School Class. Terry is making his personal chili that is always good. I am trekking off trying something out of the box. Hawaiian Chili. The folks as Whole Foods laughed at me. Chili does not come from Hawaii. I know that, but I wanted different flavors and decided in the beginning I wanted to use Ginger and Pineapple in my chili and began researching recipes to blend with my recipe. Mine does have Chicken in it, which seems really different, so we will see! We left Whole Foods $188 poorer. That is expensive chili Terry is making. I am only making a small batch. He is making enough to feed a bunch of people. Will probably take it to Mother's house on Mother's Day too. Will freeze some as well and be eating it awhile. HE will be eating it. His is too spicy for me.
Did you ever think about your life like food? Is yours bland or too spicy? I decided quickly that I have too many cooks in my kitchen adding stuff to the pot called MY LIFE. I image God sitting in the kitchen laughing as Morgan dumps in Cayenne pepper and Stacey over salts it. Justin would add peanut butter. ( I am allergic to peanuts). Think about it, everyone that touches your life spices it up with what they bring in with them. You are basically at risk for over spicing.
Terry and I have started reading Romans together, so I image you will find reflections from me as we read. We went through Chapter 6 last night. The electricity was out and we were sitting in the garden room in the early evening light reading the bible together by candlelight. Romans is like a courtroom scene and Paul is trying to set some good arguments out on the table for consideration. One of the things Terry and I discussed was on judging. It is simply not our place to judge others in life. Ponder that one today and see how often you pass judgment with out a second thought. I am guilty as charged.
“Be wise in the way you act toward outsiders; make the most of every opportunity. Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone.” Colossians 4:5-6