Elements Earth, Wind and Fire
Horse Oil Painting by Laurie Justus Pace
30 x 40 x 2 on Canvas
Contact me to purchase and include the painting name. Laurie
Horse Oil Painting by Laurie Justus Pace
30 x 40 x 2 on Canvas
Contact me to purchase and include the painting name. Laurie
It was a beautiful relaxing day yesterday. We so enjoyed a huge lunch with all the kids and my parents. Here are two photos...one of Terry and I and one of my parents. They are always so cute. Our children ordered Terry and I an Italian Margarita and my mom tasted it and had to have one. So she and dad shared one.
Terry and I before the feast.
Mom and Dad and their margarita.
Mom and Dad and their margarita.
Anniversaries make me reflect back over the years. I have known Terry since age 11. At age 11, I could not have even begun to know what was God's plan in my life and his life. We never know the true purpose that God created us. His plan existed before we did. We are here at this time for a reason for His plan. We each have a purpose and our lives entangle with others here on earth. You can never be sure in what moment your actions or words affect the lives of those around you. A simple word or a simple act can bring great nations to their feet. A simple word or simple act can send bombs flying across the oceans. A simple word or simple act can create a new life.
Do not be discouraged today. Replace those thoughts with joyful anticipation of what you will do through His spirit. Guard and guide your thoughts to the positive and bring the light into the lives of those you touch each day. One simple word...one simple act; the world changes, lives change and the light of the Lord brightens.
"Be even more diligent to make your call and election sure, for if you do these things you will never stumble." 2 Peter 1:10
Do not be discouraged today. Replace those thoughts with joyful anticipation of what you will do through His spirit. Guard and guide your thoughts to the positive and bring the light into the lives of those you touch each day. One simple word...one simple act; the world changes, lives change and the light of the Lord brightens.
"Be even more diligent to make your call and election sure, for if you do these things you will never stumble." 2 Peter 1:10