Inspired One Time
by Laurie Justus Pace
8 x 10 inches Oil on Linen Panel
Contact me for pricing. Laurie
by Laurie Justus Pace
8 x 10 inches Oil on Linen Panel
Contact me for pricing. Laurie

They shared the same birthday last week... a special day to celebrate life and the gifts they bring into our lives.
Henri Lebasque painted this first in the 1800's. I repositioned my woman in the chair a bit and pulled her one leg up and placed the chair on the surface a bit differently. I fell totally in love with the colors and had to paint it. I think I am going to frame it for my own because of the colors.
Yesterday was a maddening day as Julie from Guidry Designs came by to pick up the first of the work completed this week. It went to the framers at the Dutch Art Gallery in Dallas for framing. Julie will be placing the work into homes in the Highland Park area that she stages for Realtors.
Today I will finish up two matching 5 x 6 ft pieces...HORSES! Then I will take a break for our anniversary....and next week back to the grind. Did I say that?? I truly love painting, I am just grouchy and sleepy as I worked until eleven thirty last night and Terry got home just after that. Earlier in the evening Catherine came and ate a salad with me and we watched August Rush. I have bought the album on my ipod and will be painting by it today. FABULOUS music.
Could you imagine life with out a watch or clock? Could you imagine life with out concern of TIME? Time can waste as well as be wasted in our lives. Every moment that ticks by brings you closer to what? To our Father and that release of time. In this lifetime we cannot serve two masters...God and time. That schedule you keep is filled with stress is it not? There is an abundance of Christ in your life and the beauty of God's creation surrounds us in our world. We choose what we take on in our time schedule and what we allow to clutter our lives. Can we choose to not be controlled by time? When I stopped teaching back in 1997 I took off my watch and I have never worn one since. It was so liberating and I smile today realizing how liberating it is. I do not wear a watch.
While you examine your life to see what you can "give up"... I can only ask you to do it and anticipate peace in your life. Welcome quiet blessed time and added energy. You were created with potential and gifts to use in this life. If they are buried in your schedule you are not serving your purpose here in this life. Some of us have trouble accepting the fact that we are completely dependent on the Father. He created you and you are filled with his holiness. When you use your gifts you are serving Him by the giving of your spirit (a part of His light and love) and blessing it forward to others.
Is there something you can give up? It will only be gain to you spiritually as well as physically and psychologically.
"May my prayer be set before you like incense; may the lifting up of my hands be like the evening sacrifice." Psalm 141:2