SPRING FLOWERS for Mothers' Day
Floral Oil Painting by Laurie Justus Pace
30 x 30 inches
Contact me to purchase, please mention the title of the painting. Laurie
Floral Oil Painting by Laurie Justus Pace
30 x 30 inches
Contact me to purchase, please mention the title of the painting. Laurie

Here is the size in a frame with a couch... it is a large oil painting. Size in this picture is not perfectly to scale. The painting is 30 x 30 inches.

Yesterday was the LONGEST day. I literally worked from 5 a.m. until eleven last night and fell into bed. Terry got home just after midnight and here it is five forty two and I am blogging this morning. Not sure how intelligent the blog will be.
Friday coming up next week is our CPS inspection. We were certified and ready to go at our last home in Justin last November and we moved. With the house in the situation it has been in, we could not redo all of our stuff until now. We still have much to do to meet the standards for the health inspection. I will paint this morning and then work on inside stuff this afternoon. Terry will be left with finishing walls where the lights were rewired and cleaning up outside around the house and reorganizing the garage a bit more. I also need to schedule our Fire Inspection. Then take pictures front and back, redo our book for Covenant Kids and CPS and pray more.
Trusting in the Lord in these matters is all we can do. Terry and I are mixed minded as age creeps in more and more. Last year we seemed quite a bit younger than this year. We will trust and move forward and if it happens it will and if it doesn't it won't.
Mothers Day is this weekend. There will be a grand gathering at my mother's house. They are selling their home of 40 years and downsizing. After this weekend the packing begins. It has been an emotional roller coaster for them and this is difficult. I was there yesterday with the house inspector as the folks buying their home completed inspections. I sit in prayer knowing what is to come with the move and the adjustment to a different home, a smaller home. The kitchen is beautiful in their new house. The den is all redone as well. The master bath is not. This will be the hardest adjustment as my parents just finished a total gutting and remaking of their master bath less than five years ago.
They talk about road maps for new parents or a book on how to be a good parent would be good. I sort of feel that way now. We need a book on aging gracefully. A generation ago the older folks always moved in with their children. The balance of the extended family has been that way for centuries. Modern man in America invented the Nursing Home and then the Retirement Home and then the Adult Communities. My own grandmother lived between her two daughters, wintering in Dallas with my mother and summering in St Louis with my aunt. She rode the train back and forth. She had a life time pass because of my grandfather; he worked for the railroad most of his life.
What was right then does not seem to apply now. My mother will only have another house. She does not see herself in any other way. While I admire her independence I could not see myself doing that. I am not sure what I see for the future. I need one of those Road Maps. In my mind that old Doris Day song is playing away, "Will I be pretty, will I be rich, here's what she said to me, Ca sa ra sa ra, whatever will be will be. The future's not ours to see.... Ca sa ra sa ra...what will be will be."
Adjusting the volume in my head a bit the words change, "will I be safe, will I be fed, here's what God said to me, Ca sa ra sa ra, I care for all you see, even the birds are content as will you be, Ca sa ra , sa ra." So as Soon as my mind begins to ponder things I cannot control I have to go into the "Not today mode". Switching back to that well known line from Gone With The Wind.... "After all, tomorrow is another day."
Live for today. Do everything you can for others today and you rest tonight knowing God has tomorrow under control.
"Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?" Matthew 6:26