By Laurie Justus Pace
11 x 14 Oil on Linen Board
By Laurie Justus Pace
11 x 14 Oil on Linen Board
Contact me to purchase and mention title of the painting! Laurie

Becoming....Did you ever reflect on the word becoming?
I received this photo from a young artist that wanted one of my paintings and her parents bought it for her. The photo was accompanied by :
Gracie, age 9, loves Pablo Picasso, Henri Matisse and now, Laurie Pace. She is so excited to own an original piece of art and hopes to add more in the future. Much like her favorite paintings by Picasso and Matisse, Gracie loves the bold bright colors in "Can't see the forest because of the trees".
Thanks, Laurie, for fueling her enthusiasm!

Becoming. It is such a fruitful word full of hope. Reminds me of caterpillars cocooning to become butterflies, or of cookie dough becoming soft chewy cookies.
To a young child it fills their heart with dreams of what is to be. What can be accomplished and had in their life. They are so tantalized by t.v. and all the media surrounding them. Imagination soars with possibilities and life is only limited by how many hours are in the day.
I say it is way too much to chose from. Children and Adults are overloaded with becoming in our society. I challenge you today to just BEING. Being in the moment is primary to your life. Let tomorrow take care of itself. If you are true to yourself and to God, your being right now this instance will evolve into being tomorrow. Your being right now is your becoming.
Gracie is an artist today. She has the draw and attraction to color and composition. It is natural and it is "being" because it is in the moment. She doesn't have to become an artist, she is an artist.
What are you waiting to "become"? What are you "being"?