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Showing posts with the label the red tree gallery
IN MORNING LIGHT Contemporary Horse Oil Painting by Laurie Justus Pace 30 x 30 inches Contact me to purchase and mention name of the painting. Laurie This painting is still available. The previous offer has turned into a 48 x 48 inch commission piece, so if you are interested in this painting, it is still available. This morning I had an email from a young mother of two autistic children. Many of you know my eldest grandson died a year ago in February and he was gifted with autism. His gift taught all of us so much about life. His short time here on earth made his journey into our hearts even more important. You never know how much time you have with those you someone today and let them know you care! MEANWHILE.... I am so good at sidetracking, back to the email. The mom seemed a bit down with all that was on her plate. She was pulled to my work through Color. I have told you many times in my blog, color is an addiction problem for me. She used those same words and I
PEACE IN THE FOREST Landscape Art by Laurie Justus Pace 24 x 36 inches of Oil on Canvas Contact me for pricing and mention the title of the painting. Laurie Behind before the day starts! It is almost seven and I am not even ready to paint. Am waiting to get there though! This is a painting that has been in my heart for a while and yesterday I was finally able to get it to the canvas. It is a bit different, but Sometimes you have to take a chance and explore other things in life. This weekend is the Chili cookoff with our Sunday School Class. Terry is making his personal chili that is always good. I am trekking off trying something out of the box. Hawaiian Chili. The folks as Whole Foods laughed at me. Chili does not come from Hawaii. I know that, but I wanted different flavors and decided in the beginning I wanted to use Ginger and Pineapple in my chili and began researching recipes to blend with my recipe. Mine does have Chicken in it, which seems really different, so we will
THE EDGE Horse Oil Painting by Laurie Justus Pace 24 x 24 inches Oil on Canvas SOLD There is a massive thunderstorm hitting in about fifteen minutes, so my fingers are flying through the blog. In the electrical storms I always turn the computer off for safety. God has a safety way for all of us too. We constantly seem to put ourselves in danger despite our knowledge. Having knowledge does not always lead to good choices. He is always there not matter how we try and foul up our lives. My son always said, "Mama, I try to be good." Do you remember those days?? Grace, Laurie “Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective.”- James 5:16
MORNING RIDE Child on Horse by Laurie Justus Pace 15 x 30 inches Oil on Canvas SOLD Saturday morning and I am struggling to stay awake. Stacey is coming to visit soon and I want to finish up a painting before she arrives. Maybe we will shop a few hours and she will drop me on her way home at my son's house to visit and see my grandson. Terry will pick me up there on his way home this my studio time is short today. Make a plan and hear God laugh. I had great time management this week with completing all I had planned out. Sometimes in life we plan but it is not His plan. That is something to pray about, having God guide you in to putting your life in Right Order. Most of us have issues with control. Well at least 99.9 percent of us do. So when you think about it in life you must be willing to submit (eek) yourself to others. That is losing control. God works on us our entire existence here in this life's journey to get to the point that we realize we do
INTO ACTION Abstract Horse Oil Painting by Laurie Justus Pace 15 x 30 inches SOLD Yesterday was a full paint day and I will paint this morning and finish up some paper work and then head into the weekend with the thoughts of a day or two off from the studio. Today I will finish up a greyhound soaring across a canvas and will start a horse painting for a collector in the UK. Then I may work on a ME piece...a painting with no rhyme or reason, but one for applying technique and care. ALSO have to finish a new PATINA 2 painting for Patina of Marble Falls. They sold Patina 1 and I will keep their series going with a new baby to send their way. All of the Patina Series are 3 ft by 4 ft and can be purchased through John Stange at Patina of Marble Falls. Watch for this after the weekend! Rain is falling and the lightening is making a tremendous light show in the dark early morning sky. It is a fast moving storm though and is blowing through quickly. I can hear the birds in the pear tree o
HARD WIRED Abstract Horse Oil Painting by Laurie Justus Pace 18 x 27 inches of Oil over acrylic black. SOLD To paint, I am ready to paint! On these mornings it is difficult to blog first because I am so eager to play in my paints. Now by four this afternoon I will be WORN OUT and not wanting to play any more. Decisions in our lives are always hard to make. Sometimes we anguish and worry, sweating out every detail and looking over every scenario, just to find we wasted our heartache and God has a simpler plan for our lives. We know that He "stores up wisdom for the upright." (Proverbs 2:7) Our journey should be upright and obedient to Him, sharing with others His light. Sharing with others the news that He will provide the wisdom, knowledge and understanding we need to make choices. With that will be the discernment to veer away from possible evil that would make us stumble and possibly fall. What a treasure this would be to know in our heart and mind that all we need will
COLORS OF RAIN Horse Abstract by Laurie Justus Pace 24 x 36 inches oil on canvas SOLD ON DAILY PAINTERS THANK YOU! A quick blog for sure this morning. The dogs are waiting to go to the groomer and they are waiting on me! I am blogging away before I go. French drains are going in the front of the house. Terry planted all the tomato bushes with Morgan helping on both things. I have been helping out at mom's house with various projects and trying to clean our house in between. Today is a crunch day to finish the drain, clean the house including clean sheets, rugs etc. OH we got insulation yesterday. Had the radiant barrier sprayed on and then 18 inches of stuff blown in. Are you insulated in your life? If you are not you probably feel cranky and grouchy most of the time. The grace of Father God is our insulation. We still have to manage the journey with growth, pain, laughter and love, but His almighty arms surrounding us make the journey a bit easier. Find grace and good in e
WHO ME? Feline Cat Art by Laurie Justus Pace SOLD on Daily Painters! Thanks! 15 x 30 inches of Oil on Canvas Contact me to purchase and include title of Painting. Laurie Early this morning Terry was up when he was suppose to be asleep. He has a 16 hour day today at the airport. Sleep was necessary and he was awake. I stayed still hoping he would drop back off after he work me up...and he did. My thoughts were tumbling around house hunting with my mom yesterday. We went back to the original neighborhood where we first lived and looked at a home. As we passed by a house on the block where I played as a child the memories flooded back. I especially remember the game "MOTHER MAY I" Do you remember that game? One person is the mother and they stand in front of a line of the players with about 15 ft between them. I think "mother" has her back to the line so she cannot see where people are. Starting from one side of the line the "mother" calls out to the f
OBSERVATION SOLD Thanks for supporting Daily Painters! Cat Feline ART by Laurie Justus Pace 15 x 30 inches Oil on Canvas Contact me to purchase. Please include the name of the painting. Laurie Waiting and Watching, watching and waiting. Cats are truly better at this than dogs. I have dogs, my older brother has cats. My dogs will wait and watch for ehhh, maybe 30 seconds. Cats on the other hand will wait a long time, waiting and watching. Do not spend your life totally in this mode. Those that wait on the Lord will renew their strength. But those that sit and watch TV become a couch potato! Waiting on the Lord requires prayer and meditation, not cruising the Internet or watching CNN. Use your time wisely and know the Lord will provide what you need. God has provided each of us with gifts. Are you using the gifts he gave you? It is time to take stock of what you have and use it in the world around you. Today is my Uncle Gil's 90th birthday. I heard through the grapevine h
OVER THE RAINBOW Contemporary Horse Art by Laurie Justus Pace 30 X 30 inches Oil on Canvas SOLD on Daily Painters. Thanks for your support of the self representing artist! Contact me to purchase, mention the name of the painting. Laurie Hummm, yesterday was another two Klondike days. But I am surviving! Today is finish up and move forward day. Today I will finish a commission painting for a new collector in Canada and a small mothers day gift for another collector for her mother. Slated later this week is a the finish of a portrait for a family friend. In between...paint paint paint, clean house, do wash and finish planting annuals! I spent some time on the phone late yesterday with Wendy Rogers at the new gallery in Atascadero, California. The Red Tree Gallery is open and been received warmly by the town and the surrounding areas. Wendy has exciting plans of many cultural events and shows for the next few months. I am hoping Terry and I can hop a flight out to visit and see it
CAN'T SEE THE FOREST BECAUSE OF THE TREES Landscape in Oil by Laurie Justus Pace 15 x 30 inches SOLD Yesterday was a blessed day of no stress. I have not had one of these plateau days in eons! Both Terry and I dropped to knees at bedtime and gave thanks. I had agreed once I blogged before Church, no computer till after six and no work in the studio. WOW. We were at 8:30 services at Eastridge Christian and then Sunday School following. Jack VanVessem was wonderful and totally on track as we continued investigating the phrase "Being Reborn of the Water and The Spirit." Then Charlene sent me the following after I shared the lesson with her: O ne Child Baptizing Another After a hardy rainstorm filled all the potholes in the streets and alleys, a young mother watched her two little boys playing in the puddle through her kitchen window. The older of the two, a five year old, grabbed his sibling by the back of his head and shoved his face into the water hole. As the boy re
RED HORSE ABSTRACT Horse Oil Painting by Laurie Justus Pace 18 x 27 inches SOLD Time for a new pillow. Woke up again with a pull in three places in my neck. BUT I will stay the course with my day and the plans for the day. It is Wednesday and today I begin sketching out my work for the week. I have one already on Canvas sketched out, the rest I will transfer from my sketch book to canvas. THEN I get to play in my paints. This is a time of not only painting, but deep mediation as I work with my oils. It never ceases to amaze me the blends and "happenings" that appear before my eyes. Did God watch in amazement as He created all around us in the beginning? He is the great Artist! And then when I zoom ahead in the bible to the arc when he had to wipe out so much through the flood, I wonder if He did it as I do a canvas. When it is not working I begin pushing the paint in totally irrational unplanned ways...if nothing begins to work, I scrap the painting, pulling the oils
FURY THREE Horse Oil Painting by Laurie Justus Pace 3 Canvas totaling 54 x 27 inches (18 x 27 inches each) SOLD ON DAILY PAINTERS! THANK YOU Last year I painted four sets of these horses...three coming out at you in colors with the thick ridged paint from the palette knife. This is my first set this year to sell. I did one commission set that is mailing out today to the buyer in Illinois. Have already made my list for today of what must be done AS always. Sometimes with the hubby involved it may not occur as I hoped! We went to pick up wheels for the boat and trailer out in Justin yesterday afternoon. We left at three, we made it out there about six and we got home about ten. There were many stops in between, but the boats are home. Today we have to return unused items for trying to get the boats. Only the Lord brought those boats home on angel wings. Angel wings...humm, that is a pretty cool thought. I know my mom used to say something about letting God drive the car, but I a
Home on the Range Abstract Horses Oil Painting by Laurie Justus Pace 24 x 36 inches SOLD I am late blogging today because I needed space to calm my spirit. I didn't paint at all yesterday. I was planning on Church and Jack VanVessem's awesome Sunday School Class. I took time to shower, dress, get on my makeup, spray my perfume, white linen skirt, blue teal jacket...and Catherine called saying she was on her way. I went to let the dogs in and of course, Annie would not come in. Paddy was jumping up and down threatening my cleanliness so I shoved him into the house and pulled the door shut. I had Annie's leash in my hand. It took a bit but I clipped it on her and headed to the back door. IT WAS LOCKED. As I begin to think, Catherine will be pulling up front...and then I realized the gates are padlocked. Those keys are inside too. The garage door is a deadbolt lock like the house. I am literally locked in my back yard. It was cold outside and that linen teal jacket did
The Reflections of Light Horse Abstract by Laurie Justus Pace SOLD OH my gosh, it is Saturday and I have no idea what time. I looked outside and it is light already, my stomach is growling and it is after nine....I forgot to blog. I was so busy painting Whippets this morning I forgot to blog. This is one of my smaller horse pull paintings venturing into a new color palette. It reminds me of light and earth pulled together with the horses. We only lack one more room and a hall for lights! YEAH and thank you Darla and hubby Terry. I can do switches when I walk through the house, altho Terry does have a lot of patch work to do with the sheet rock. Had lunch with my parents, brother, Uncle Carl and cousin Martha and her hubby yesterday. Martha and Carl came back over to see the house. I miss seeing her so it was a wonderful day. She is younger than I am, and she is the closest thing I have to a sister. She is a wise loving woman that I respect and go to when I need grounding. Do you ha
BLUE REFLECTIONS Horse Oil Painting By Laurie Justus Pace 24 x 48 inches $2700 The Red Tree Gallery, Atascadero, California Contact Wendy Rogers to purchase. Did not want to get out of bed this morning at five. My eyes are still not open. I will be at the easel as soon as I finish this and will hope to get at least two hours of painting in before showering and leaving this morning for errands with my mother. Yesterday more boxes arrived with more surprises. The first was there when I got back from yesterday's doc visits. Beautiful glasses were in this box. They were washed immediately and tucked safely on the appointed shelf in the kitchen. The dishes were already washed and placed in to their nest too. Yesterday at lunch Terry and I ate off of them in the Garden room! Beautiful for the appetite too! Then late yesterday afternoon a second box arrived with new stainless. WOW is it elegant! I think it is called BOLO. Understated and describing words I can find a
CELEBRATE SPRING Horse Oil Painting by Laurie Justus Pace 24 x 36 inches Contact me to purchase. Laurie Tuesday is here and we slept in past seven this morning. We were up at three trying to find a noise in the wall. No we didn't find it! This morning I am doctor bound with family members and then home to paint as I am two days behind.... still trying to catch up. But yesterday was great! We have working switches in the kitchen! YEah and they will do more today. Hopefully the halls and the bedroom...then the last will be over the piano. ALSO received several surprises yesterday. Felt like Christmas. We picked up a beautiful Danish chair for the house sent by a dear friend and boxes arrived from her with new dishes that look like they were custom made for the house. I cannot wait to use them today and every day. They are soft greens, blues and warm browns. Patio Garden by Pfaltzgraff. Today is short on posting. My painting will be changing up more over the next month and
STRENGTH OF SPIRIT Horse Oil Painting by Laurie Justus Pace 30 x 30 inches SOLD Okay, no video. We took one of a family game of CLUE with Jonathan...but it is rather boring! We did eat lots of good food and everything was weight watchers until we got to dessert. Stacey brought a chocolate cream pie and an apple pie and weight watchers lemon bars. BUT all in all, it was delicious! After we ate we took a break before dessert and played a trivia game. I had researched on the internet trivia on Easter. I had prepared 24 questions and the most answered by one team was 6 1/2. Did you know there are over 90 million chocolate Easter Bunnies made each year? OR that the first egg roll, hunt at the White House was with President Hayes and his wife? The Easter Lily Capital of the World is in California and Oregon? They ship out over 11 million Easter lily bulbs worldwide? We all learned a lot and laughed even more. Did you know here in Texas we have Easter - Eve Fires? The German's
A HERD IN SPRING Horse Oil Painting by Laurie Justus Pace 18 x 27 inches SOLD ON DAILY PAINTERS- THank you! Contact me for pricing: Laurie Egads I forgot to blog this morning. I was so busy when I hit the computer. I was behind before I started. Not much sleep last night as we worked in the yard till dark and my allergies were so bad I could not breath to sleep. Still that way this morning too. Have you ever worried about your children or your elderly parents? We continue to seek control of situations that we simply cannot control. Such as it was when Jesus was arrested and the disciples were in a panic despite the confidence of Jesus knowing his path was predetermined by the Father. I realized recently only Jesus can save those I worry about that cannot seem to get their lives together. I cannot save them. I realized only our Father can save and care for my parents through his provisions to them by our help and love as their children. I cannot control anything. I can only walk
SPIRIT STARLIGHT Horse Oil Painting by Laurie Justus Pace 24 x 24 inches SOLD on Daily Painters. Thank you for Supporting Self Representing Artists. Rain is on the horizon and cooler air is pushing thru this morning. We are triple excited today because Jonathan is FINALLY coming to visit and our old neighbors from Justin TX are coming too. The family from Justin has three fabulous children that are all gifted in art and music. I had the pleasure of teaching them for close to 6 years. The youngest Victoria, is Jonathan's age and she taught him how to ride his bicycle and how to play when they were young. I cannot wait to hear Ashley play the piano. She is in her second semester at college. She was my assistant teacher in Justin for three years and so very gifted with her music and art. Brandon is next in the group and must be heading near fifteen. Very tall handsome young man that can pick up a guitar and jam with the best. He can draw circles around any student I have ever